10.2, not a snowballs chance in "you-know-where".
Stock they'll do an 11.4x but keep in mind that is with a pro rider and is corrected to sea level. With the race kit and an average Joe riding it I would venture to say a high 11 to low 12 is very do-able. If you're good you'll be in the mid-low 11sec range. Of course, this assumes you're not at a high altitude. Altitude will drastically affect ET's.
Don't underestimate how difficult it is to get a bike out of the hole, especially one with a really short wheelbase like the Buell. The first 60' is where the good times come from and that's what REALLY separates the truely great from the "just average".
If you have an 1/8 mile track near you they are a GREAT place to practice launching as you can normally get in a lot of runs in per night.