10K Service $615!!! Also bank angle sensor question

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Jun 21, 2008
Just bought used 2006 Uly in Boston and rode home to Tx. I'm close to 10k service interval which I see is fairly extensive. But $615 to change fluids, fork oil and spark plug? Is that the going rate for Buell service? I thought I was buying a Buell not a Harley dresser.

Also, half way home I was taking a slow left in 2nd gear and the motor shut down? Nothing going on with me stalling the bike etc... Started back up with no further issues. Is this the bank angle sensor recall issue? Ir only did it once in 9 days over 3,000 miles.

Any help or comments appreciated.
Its more than just fluid change. There is a lot of things checked in the 10k service. Belt, brakes, headstem fall away, TPS, axles, suspension, all major fasteners, etc.... That is the largest service you will have to worry about. You can always buy a manual and try it yourself. :D

Yes, that is a recall on certain Uly's that year. I would check with your dealer and have them run the vin to find out.
Atleast you have to deal with my dealership they wanted over $400 to do the 1000 mile service. So I just took it back home when they told me that
Never go to the dealer to get an oil change. To do the 1000 mile service here it is like $250. It is worth it because they adjust everything back to stock specs. After that do all routine maintenance yourself. It is cheap and it is really easy to do.