10K service tool list

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2009
What tools do I need to perform the 10K service on my '09 xb12ss? It's coming up soon, I'm ditching HD and doing it myself.
Just off the top of my head, might not be everything
set of torx bits (I like the ratchet socket style) (range from like t20-t30)
Metric and SAE sockets and wrenches (standard kits should cover just about everything)

If you have those, that covers well over 90% of the work. Plus, they are good tools to have around anyway. Sorry I couldn't give you a more detailed list, I'm at work right now.
Oh and one more note, the service manual does not usually specify what bit or socket to use. I've found a mix of SAE and metric in different places on the bike. Make sure you check both SAE and metric before you strip something out.
if you took this to the dealer what would they even do?

Check for leaks?
replace the plugs
replace filters (oil & air)
new fluids
wiggle your wheels and steering stem to check the bearings?
Check primary chain tension?

this is no flame... but what is even included in this 10k check up?

The valves are self adjusting... so there is no deep internal stuff to mess with unless something breaks right?

Seems like its just normal maintenance stuff we should all do (and do ourselves so we dont get a** raped by the dealer)
Things like that I have plenty of...I'm wondering about any specialty tools. I've changed plugs plenty of times when I was having idle issues, so I have everything for that (wobble joint, boot puller, etc.)...but for stuff like changing the fork oil I'm not sure what I'll need.
Mosh - exactly why I'm doing it myself.[up] The dealer wanting $650 is a joke. The 10k does include changing fork oil though, which is new to me.
fork oil.. gotcha...

I have yet to do mine.. but normaly you just take fork tube out of the triple clamp, unscrew the top of off, tip it upside down & drain the oil out (caution doing to as springs etc. can slide out, so keep a finger on the end when you tip it)

then re-fill to appropriate level.

thats all there is too it unless Buells are different than other bikes.
Well that's easy enough...might just have everything I need already then.[up]
I haven't done the fork oil (need to soon), but from what I've read in other posts here the draining and filling isn't the hard part. Its the interference work you have to do get the tube off the bike thats a pain. Seems like its easy enough to do if you go slow, take you time and follow the shop manual. Just my $.02. Also I did forget to mention the specialty tools for doing plug changes, you want a universal joint spark plug and and 8" or greater wobble extender for the socket.
Changing for oil is over rated. Change your fork oil when you need to replace a seal,or at 20k.
Put it this way I would rather leave my forks alone then trust harley techs to replace my fork seals correctly.
Just looked at a manual... looks like it can be done in a similar manner on the buell. The manual uses a spring compressor. I never have needed one in the past on other bikes. The spring can be pretty stiff so getting the cap back on can be a pain in the ass some times.

Also, you need to cycle the shock when it's open to get all the oil out (it will probably squirt out when you do this)

I agree it's more of a pain in the ass then it's worth unless you need to replace the fork seals.

Manual says on a 43mm fork,
put 8oz of oil in, cycle the shock until you feel resistance, then add 8oz more. Fill until oil is 116mm from the top.