1125CR Charging problems

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Jun 14, 2008
I have an '09 1125CR that I bought in November last year. Since buying it, the battery will not stay charged at all, even after sitting on the charger constantly. Bike will start great as soon as I unplug it, but God forbid I shut it off. Last ride I took, I had to get a jump from a VW. Talk about embarrassing! I have it at the dealer right now getting the "product campaign" parts put on, but the tech says there is something else going on with it that he cannot figure out. He says it's not the battery and he is looking into it. That's what he's been saying for the last 2 weeks and I'm getting a little frustrated. Anyone else have the same or similar problems?[confused]
had the same prob with my old bike, it was a harley. not sure much they have in common, but it was the regulator in the front. think its a common prob with the harley motors, or so a guru at work says. he was the one that said it was the prob. hope that helps!
one of two thing stator or regulator.
does it show charging volts? when running 13 ish?
if it is charging it is the battery.
I am going to get my regulator put in mine tomorrow
Thanks, guys. It wasn't charging at all, the battery was brand new. The tech finally told me it was the regulator, got a new one on order. Should have my baby back on the road next week....finally!
A Tech I know recently mentioned 09 CR's need the Stators updated according to a recall and it affects the Regulator.

Please check into that.
now i havent had the problems you all are talking about but every time i go to pull mine out of the garage the batt light is illuminated. but if i shut down while riding its extinguished prior to start up. do you think this may be the beginnings of the same problem you all are having? 09 1125 cr
the battery light comes on anytime it is under 12 volts.
Your having a charge issue.
stator regulator.
simple toggle to volts in the cluster and see how many should be 12.5 - 13.9 volts when it is running,
got my volt regulator in today mine is running great.

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