1125R or XB12R

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Jun 12, 2008
[confused] I am looking at both bikes and just can't figure out which way I want to go. I am sure this has been asked a million times. I need some pros and cons on both. I am not looking for huge top speed just something out of the main stream, I have a Fatboy I just want something a little faster and more nimble to have fun with. Thanks for any inputs.
Both are awesome [up] Depends on what you want? The 12R is tried and tested and reliable. The 1125R is cutting edge new Technology (for Buell) Its liquid cooled and has a higher redline, more power, and a different engine ( to name a few ) Its also the first year for this model, ( in my book that means there will probably be problems, so far nothing reported here anything major ) I guess it just depends on what you want. You want something not so mainstream? Either one will do that for you[smirk]
I am a huge fan of the Firebolt. I don't like the front fairing on the 1125r it is way too wide for the bike. It is up to you though.
The XB models are completely other bikes. They are what they are, i mean these engines etc is not close to the Rotax of the 1125R (not saying rotax is better). The 1125R should better be compaired to Gixxer, R1, KTM RC8, Ducati 1098 and likes of those rather than an XB. I personally would rather buy the Gixxer than the 1125R and i yes, have tested both. Best is, to atleast try a XB/r and a 1125R. The 1125R is IMO, "only" fun when you run it really fast.
(I have an XB 12s)
Tested the 1125R and i noticed i only rided faster and faster and i somewhat felt, this was when the bike served a true purpose. The XB/s.. with this bike you really do active motorcycling.
I agree to a point. The bikes are very different. The 1125 is a high rev, high speed sportbike that offers alot of the same qualities as the XB until I hit the turns. Im sure in part that had to do with the fact that I didnt own it or ride it everyday. It seemed to track very wellon straights and corners, but lacks the low end grut the XB has that makes the twisties so much fun. In order to get even close to the same power I had to keep the rpm's pretty high. I didnt like that. The bike does feel really good and is nimble. Much less vibration from the engine, but I personally like the noise and engine vibs of the XB.
In short, you are not gonna go bad either way. Just remember that the XB's have been around awhile and the 1125 is new to '08. I would personally wait to see some of the kinks worked out for the '09 and '10 models. Then I'd be all over it. I would like to own both but my wife says "NO".
my belief is that you'll have more fun with the xbr than the 1125r.
the xbr has more character, better sound, still corners better...

long story short:
if it's fun you seek, go for the xbr for high speeds get the 1125r ;)
I would go with the R, based on looks alone. The 1125 does not appeal to me at all.

Not to hijack the thread...but could you put the 1125 engine in an XB frame?
1125R looks like crap to me.... like a 12r with crappy radiators on each side like a last-minute add-on from factory. Doesn't seem thought out. and the front fender looks suspiciously like a duke... a little too much for me. And then there is the pipe..... no explenation there.... just my over use of the word 'and'!! hehhe I agree with Lefox, want style go the 12r, want jap eating speed go the 1125r. Mind you in my home town the harley dealership has sold ZERO 1125r's! gotto tell you something
Looks like crap to me too. And its relatively un-tested. If you read euro-mags like BIKE..they tested it and said its pretty blah. Its a side note in the sportbike world. But hey...thats Canadian styling and performance for you. Kidding...all you cannucks.
I test drove the 1125R and I own a 12R...The only complaint I had with the 1125R was that it was so quite I could not hear it. The bike was wicked quick. If I had the cash, it would be a hard decision. I think I would still stick with my Firebolt though! Good Luck. Let us know what you decide.
fyi here's an 1125r with aftermarket exhaust

not a real buell...but better than stock ;)
Well next Monday I am going to demo both bikes. Since I am coming off of a Fatboy it should be a fun ride. I will let you know what I pick after the ride. I am pretty excited.
They are still doing rolling updates to the bike, since i tested a 1125R they have released an update for the mapping (the one i tested, was really bad at low rpms). Also many reports of crocked front brake discs. The 8 piece caliper seems to be the problem. It gets tremendously hot under heavy braking. I think it would be sane, to wait atleast 1 year before buying the 1125R, if interested in this sort of bike(s). Personally, i would pick a 1098(S) before the 1125R any time. Personally, i don't think it will hold value so good looking at it in perspective.