200 posts or less thread

Buellxb Forum

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Major moment for me. I'm on my 200th post and will no longer dwell in the land of the lurker. I will never again post among the postless. I hope that some brave lurker takes this 200 or less post mantel and makes a home for the shy and the meek. Good bye 200 or less post thread!
Well I guess I can join the club since my lurking to post ratio is higher on the lurking side. Bought my lightning in April and have been a member since, learned some very useful info. [up]
Yeah i tend to lurk most of the time on here. I bought my 03 xb9r sometime this summer, i never knew there were so many passionate people for buells till i joined.
I post and lurk , great site and community . Though I will never reach general status , but that's OK.
General status, Schmineral status...I say go for quality not quantity...as for lurking, I prefer: "expanding my knowledge base" [smirk] which I do quite a bit here...there are worse hobby's for sure.

I agree with you guys, a great source of info, great passion in the community, and good fun on this site...I wish it were less addicting...It's time to be productive elsewhere!

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