2001 X1 Race tune/ i need help!!!???

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2010
My X1 is doing some funny stuff... when I am riding at about 1/8th to 1/4th throttle, no matter what gear. It will start sputtering and then act as if the kill switch was turned off or isn't getting fuel. Normally right before the engine dies it will fire up and jolt forward with that Buell torque ;) ... I would think you can see how this could be a problem in the corners... now, if i change the throttle position either give it more or let off, it will go back to normal for a little till I hold the throttle back in the position.

I also have issues with the bike idle staying high like 2000 rpm once the bike gets hot. If I release the clutch to put pressure on the engine it will bring the idle down and will stay down till I give it gas.

I have replaced the intake seales, and have done a tps reset... thinking maybe it has a bad tune from the previous owner.(bike has done this since the start)

Bike has D&D exhaust, race ecm, breather mod, forcewinder intake.

Do you have the stock ECM to put back in for troubleshooting? or a stock fuel map + ecmspy? I can hook ya up with a factory or race fuel map if needed.
I don't have the stock ECM or stock fuel map... If you have race/stock maps you can hook me up with that would be amazing! I would actually love to try the stock vs race, because right now i get like 22mpg around town and like 25 hwy, no matter how easy i ride.
Have a laptop at a friends shop with pretty much every Buell fuel map + ecm flash, will most likely be there this afternoon drinking beer and hitting something with a hammer..lol, will upload to dropbox and shoot ya a link later today or tomorrow a.m.

Awesome! I am going to go make backups of all my current maps/EEPROM so I am ready to go when I get the links. Thanks again, hope this solves it fingers crossed.
That didnt upload the way that I hoped, however if you click on one of those links then highlight all the alpha-numerical text and copy/paste it into windows notepad and save it you will have it the same. If it gives you trouble let me know and I will figure out a better way to host it.

Those eeproms came from this sexy beast, pretty much the same setup except vance pipe, let me know when you have the files downloaded, I dont wish to leave them public.

Awesome, and looking good!!! I will let you know if I have any questions. This is what it is going on.

so, I am sorry to be a noob, but i copied the files into text documents. When I try to load maps it ask for a .msq file. however, when I try to load a new eeprom it will ask for a text file. So is that where I load this, I am sorry this is my first time loading stuff on my ECM and I don't want to mess it up.

I am using ECMspy. so would these steps be correct?

-fetch EEPROM
-File: save EEPROM
-save this file to a few locations.
-File: load EEPROM (chose the text document that i copied those values into)
-Burn EEPROM ...
Do not burn eeprom. Fetch map from your ecm, open another copy of ecmspy and resize the windows so you have them side by each, then load one of the new text files into the second ecmspy. Copy/paste the fuel and timing maps from the custom one to yours and burn map. Do not burn the whole eeprom. Reset afv to 100.
Ok, now I understand, Thank you for all your help! I will try that tomorrow and post my results.

P.S. I have the info from the .txt files you posted. So you can take them down if you wish.
If that doesn't fix it, I would check out your engine temp sensor on the rear cylinder head. My X1 acted very similar to yours, except for the idle, and it turned out to be a bad ETS.
ok, I loaded stock( did 2 miles in closed loop, worked), then race fuel maps(did same 2 miles in closed loop, worked) and timing like you said and it fixed the ("when I am riding at about 1/8th to 1/4th throttle, no matter what gear. It will start sputtering and then act as if the kill switch was turned off or isn't getting fuel. Normally right before the engine dies it will fire up and jolt forward with that Buell torque") issue.

I am still having issues with the idle, and when it is cold and idling it will miss sometimes and even die.(it was doing this about 6 months ago before/after a tps reset I did(never fully fixed problem). I have also noticed when it dose idle and when i am trying to set the TPS (after warms up to 140C) to 1050-1150rpm, it is really hard to set because it will jump around from like 950-1250 when i stop adjusting. I think next step is to take a look at the spark plugs/wires and see if maybe they need replacing. If anyone has any more ideas for this please let me know.

Thank you for the maps Banshee77, I feel much more safe in corners now!!! :D
scratch that... I thought the problem was gone, but it is not. Had one good ride than came back, next up is the temp sensor.
So I think I might have found the solution. I just found This Video his description matches what my bike has been doing. He says a new TPS fixed it. I am gonna try it as soon as i can find one to buy. I will let you know if this fixes it.

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