2003 XB9R tranny questions

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Previous owner told me he was getting off of an exit and downshifting when the bike got stuck in gear.
The gear shifter is stuck. He told me he brought it to a local shop and the guy removed the primary cover to see if it was a clutch thing and the guy told him the transmission is locked up and that the only way to repair it is to remove the engine and split the case. The bike starts and idles no problem. It only has 10K on it and looks brand new. I don't have to hold in the clutch for it to run. Its not in neutral though because the neutral light isn't on.
This is how i removed/installed my engine. If you're interested, search for my thread "strange noise rebuild" I removed the engine and replaced the crank bearings. Shows cases split, etc. Best of luck! Lots of help on this site, don't hesitate to ask! chris
Per the service manual, they show a similar way to do it but it doesn't involve hoisting the bike up. They want me to support the rear swingarm and strap it to the frame so the bike doesn't fall apart, clamp the front wheel, support the motor with a jack and after removing all the parts holding the motor in I tilt it so I can get to the rear header, I also need to support the rear tail using a strap up to a rafter in my ceiling to keep the tail up. I can then lower the engine down using the jack and pull it out from the brake side (or clutch side I guess).
The service manual shows all the electronics, forks, upper frame, forks etc... stay on the bike. Basically they want me to remove the motor like a traditional bike but I have to clamp the rear swing arm to the front frame if I want the bike to be able to be rolled around.
I made a copy of your post with all the pictures showing the engine split. Looks like a fairly easy job.
If you look at my last pic, there's a 2x4 wedged between the swing arm and frame so it can be rolled around. It's pretty wobbly that way, but works. Post your progress, we all want to see you riding again soon!
Probably another stupid question but... could I just slide a metal dowel through my rear axle hole and use a jackstand on each side to raise the back of my bike up? I am really digging those axle sliders but I don't want to spend that kind of money just to get the back of my bike off of the ground.
Yea, prior owner cut it off when the tranny locked up so he could get it rolling.
Ok, I took the primary cover off. Tonight I am pulling the primary chain. My plan is to remove the clutch basket and the primary sprocket and chain complete as a unit once I get the fastening hardware off both. Before I do that though.. I want to know for certain that the tranmission is locked up before I tear the motor out and split the case. I am not 100% positive that the prior owner knew exactly what was wrong. Nothing looks out of order missing or broken. Per the original owner the bike is stuck in gear and won't release. What should I be looking for?
If I remove the primary chain, sprocket and clutch basket is there a way for me to check to see if the transmission is locked up? Should I remove everything and then reinstall the sprocket and clutch without the chain in order to test it?
I am not sure if the bike is in neutral. When I bought it the previous owner started it up and it idled and sounded great. He didn't have the clutch lever pulled in(except for starting it because it was on the side stand). Once it started it just sat there on the side stand idling. He told me he had to cut the drive belt off in order to roll it on the trailer because it was locked in gear.
I would think that if the bike is stuck in gear it wouldn't idle unless the clutch was pulled in but that might not be true because the bike doesn't have the drive belt. Thats what is confusing.
I pulled the clutch, flywheel sprocket and chain. Motor spins freely. The spline that holds the clutch on that leads into the transmission is locked up good. Engine removal and a case split certainly seems like what I need to do. So far I removed the lower chin plastic. I am going to remove the muffler, and all the upper air box stuff tomorrow. Then, I need to drain the oil and remove all those lines. It seems overwhelming right now!!
Take your time and do it right. I split a case a while back when my crank spline bit the dust and it seems overwhelming, but being in a hurry leads to more mistakes and more time. Trust me!! You will enjoy it when it is done though and you have a really good pipe on it!
Thanks! My bike has the full factory racekit on it which is that cool gray pipe with the dual exits, the race ecm and the intake. It sounded amazing when I started it. Its my winter project and I am going to do the job right. The bike only has 10K on it and its in fantastic condition so I don't think I need to do anything other than tranny repairs and of course all new gaskets. Previous owner had it dyno'd after the racekit was installed and it read 92hp. I am thinking I should buy one of those EVO engine stands. I saw some on Ebay for around $50. It would be nice to have a nice stand when I work on the motor.
Update, been a while. I had some problems with my truck I needed to deal with but now I am back to the XB9R. I figured out what gears I need to replace. I just need to know where I can get them. Buying new ones is not an option. They are too expensive new.
I counted the teeth and I need 1 of each of along with all new spacers and lock rings.

20 tooth
30 tooth
32 tooth
33 tooth

I also need 2 shifter forks and 1 shifter fork shaft.

Any ideas where I can find these parts at a reasonable price?
Bump... anybody have any idea where I can find used gears and parts for my bike? I can't afford to spend $125.00 per gear at the Stealership!
Dude, you and I are neck-and-neck doing the same job. (tranny ran low on oil and gears locked up). I got really lucky and found a whole used 03 XB9R tranny on buellsterparts.com for $175 and scooped it up. Complete engine gasket set on sporttwin.com for $120ish.
I may have two shift forks for ya! Let me take an inventory...
The belt is cut. If it's stuck in gear then letting the clutch out is simply going to just spin the drive sprocket that's not attached to anything. If it's jammed in two gears or the trans is blown up then yes the bike should stall. Obviously if the belt had to be cut then it's not in neutral. Didn't the shift forks get upgraded in 2005?
Thanks! Let me know what parts you have. I am having a bear of a time finding used parts.

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