2003 XB9SL 3000 miles

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2007
I Have my bike on local craigslist due to a recent lay off. I posted it for 4,950. I got an offer for 4000 and the guy wont budge at all. does this seem to low or should I take it?
It is a 2003 XB9SL with intake, exhaust, cheesegrater. it has run full synthetic since the first service and only has 3,200 miles on it. I live in Colorado. tell me what you think.
NADA is just something to base off of. It says $4,000 as average for your year model. You don't have too many miles on it though. Maybe say you'll meet him halfway and see where it goes. If you wanted $4500, prolly should've started at $4800 and acted like you came down $300. But anyway, in the end it's up to you.
I talked a guy down to $4500 (from $5000) for an '03 XB9SL with 3100 miles on it. It was 95% stock - has Buell race exhaust. Your bike is cleaner than mine was and the low models are hard to come by. I had to drive 3 hours each way to pick mine up. Now that I have been riding it all summer - I realize it is worth every penny of that $4500.

Tell the guy to stop by this bored and we can tell him what he is missing - maybe he'll pony up the $500.

Is your bike paid off... How bad do you need the $$$$... is $500 gonna make a difference in buying milk or not...
I feel like ending up at arround $4600 is perfect, I see bikes with 5-10k going for 4000 and Mine has been cared for almost too well. I have never had a loan on it so I dont think the 600 is a budget issue, its more of a pride thing
only 3000 miles? dang. that is low. my bike is two months old and i have already put 2800 on it. too bad you aren't near texas, i would take it right off your hands
Colorado is close to Texas? [confused]

No wonder you only have 3k on that bike.
The second you put 500 miles on it in one stretch,
Texas would seem like the other side of the world...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a HellBuelly meaner than ****."

--Buelljamin Franklin
That really is a beautiful machine by the way!
You have the rare and possibly coveted aluminum wheels...
I wouldn't budge on the price unless I was DESPERATE...

My ol'e '03 has 50k+ miles on it and I would settle for less...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Fasten your seat belt, it's going to be a bumpy..."

--HellBette Davis
I will keep it until I get the 4600 I'm looking for. Xbear9s you are probably right, I have never done more than 100 miles in a day on my buell, but I do have a trailer! when I go far I ride my cruiser, it is easier on my butt. the buell just gets the weekend pleasure rides. But then maybe I should sell my cruiser too, its an 06 with 1300 miles. (I need to get out more)
I have no patience for fair-weather weekend riders.
Sell that bike to someone who's gonna abuse her proper!
I demand it! You! YOu! YOU BUELL IGNORER!
I'd break down on you on purpose!!!


Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"I'd rather be riding my motorcycle thinking about God than sitting in
church thinking about my motorcycle..."

--The Holy HellBuellie
I used to ride year round in Colorado and Utah, rain, snow, whatever. But since collage I have no need. Wouldn’t you rather buy from a fair weather biker? The only times this bike has been wet is when I wash it, I guarantee no rust! The reason I am selling it is because I don’t use it. I do like HAVING it but I don’t use it. When you only ride a few times a month and have 2 bikes it doesn’t make sense. Because I ride them light it is better for me to keep my cruiser anyway.
Not to flame you or anything, but how can you sell your Buell over a cruiser? I mean, thats just about sacraligious. Please, please sell that bike to someone who will really appreciate it.
But since collage I have no need


You gotta do what you gotta do...
Wish I was in a place where I could take here off yer hands...
God knows she'd get used and abused here!

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

--Freddie M2ercury

"Fat Bottomed Girls"
i paid 4k for my 03 xb9r with 3800 miles,the offer is pretty much what the market will bear,plus pride won't pay your bills.if you stick to your guns you could lose the buyer and not have another offer,now you have more bills and a bike,just my 2cents,been through the same thing,good luck[smirk]