2006 XB12R Race Map

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May 24, 2018
Hey guys, tried to fix this myself this weekend. Bike has a small stutter at 4k if under half throttle. Picked up a cable and Ecmspy. Did a TPS reset and it seemed to fix the stutter a bit. I then did a once over on the bike and replaced the muffler. (It appears it was a stock style race muffler from buell?) I put a Jardine can on and did some riding. At first the bike felt fine, but after a few hundred miles this weekend, it's like I lost all my power on the big end. WOT in 4th or 5th gear and about 5K+ RPM was absolutely dead. Any other driving conditions and the bike felt very responsive and great.

I was told the oil and plugs were fresh on the bike when I picked it up a few days ago, I've learned very early on not to trust that. Got the bike home and changed the oil (it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't fresh either) Noticed I have a stripped swingarm drain plug. Band-aided that for now (I'll get a retap kit coming) with two plug o-rings and a washer. I also changed the Plugs with the NGK Iridium IX's. The plugs in the engine looked ok and were not fouled. I also noticed that the air cleaner/ air box area appeared to be modified. When I pulled the Cover off, it's just an open filter on top of the throttle body inlet, I was under the impression that there was another plastic box over it. Anyway everything appeared to be in order, other than the sensor in the air cleaner area, it appears that the two pcv hoses are allowing a lot of oil to blow by and it was coating the sensor. Cleaned it up with electronic sensor cleaner and re-installed everything. Still the same problems on the big end of the RPM band.

The I popped the ole laptop up and connected to the ECM. Did some monitoring and everything appeared to be ok. (I'm no tuner by any means, just didn't see any red flags) No CEL codes were present either. I then thought maybe the newer exhuast and open air intake may have adjusted the VE enough to call for another tune. Attempted to find some maps, but to my dismay, the ecmspy site was down for maintance. I couldn't get a map. I then found another member had stored a bunch of maps. I downloaded the 2006 xb12r race map that was saved as TXT file. I attempted to convert it in the ecmspy software, but couldn't get it to work.

Any thoughts? Sorry for the book btw...


Preston T.
Hi Preston,

I would suggest checking your AFV value. I also have a Jardine and with a specific EEPROM setup I had similar issues - okay driving under 4k and lack of power above. I wouldn't ride it much more as you could potentially damage your engine if it's running too lean.

Since you have a cable already, please check your AFV value and report.

Also, if you are not so comfortable with tuning, be careful before starting going in all directions. One thing I've learn from this forum: make sure your bike is mechanically sound before adjusting any software features! So keep that Race Map on the back burner for now and let's figure out what's wrong first.
Gotcha, I don't have a wide band cable, can I still check afr's a different way? It appeared at idle from what I can tell the front and rear injector duty cycle was around 57-60, not sure if that helps. I'll plug her back up tonight if you let me know what to look for.

Ok, got some free time. Here's what I came up with. Had a ECM I swapped out because the other one seemed to not be allowing me to view any live data. TPS reset with the ECM swap. And its a race ecm for that jardine can. Got the bike fired up and to temp. Showing 99.8 AFV hasn't changed after a few tests. Bike runs great for about 5 minutes. Then its like it loads under full throttle 3-4-5 gear doesn't matter. If I go wot it isn't happy and feels down on power. I also noticed that my header to my front cylinder has began to crack. Alot. I know the rear has an O2 sensor on it, so not sure if it's freaking out getting bad readings. Sealed it up, header rapped it ect seemed to run a little better. Went for a little ride and when I got on the highway same problems. Also got the red CEL a few times. Check the codes.. nothing. I've ordered a new header. I'm kind of lost at this point. Any ideas? Anywhere else to look?
Help me out here guys. TPS seems to be creeping up to around 6.5 * after TPS resets. I turned the TPS cable back down. I also found where the exhaust valve actuator was still on. Turned it off and reflashed the ecm. I could rev the bike in neutral, no problem up to 6kish RPM. Put it in 1st gear, clutch in and rev and after 6k once it bogs and will not rev past 4500 it's like its hitting fuel cutout, it's just down on power. Seemed to clear up after I turned off the exhaust valve, but after a few minutes of riding it seems to be bogging a bit. I'll post some pics of what I'm seeing in ECMSpy. Only code I was seeing was Rear o2 sensor, but it cleared and didn't show again. I'm lost.. starting to get frustrated. 20180620_160837.jpg20180620_160844.jpg

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