2008 and 2009 engine colors

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2009
King, NC
Did they make any 08 XB's that had the blacked out engine and covers? I thought that all 08's had the silver engine and covers and that only 09's had the blacked out engine.
Thanks for the response John. I'm in a Buell FB group and another member in that group has a City X that he swears is an 08. Maybe the engine parts have been repainted, not sure. Looking at the picture of the bike, there are other parts that have been repainted. I was just wanting to check my memory on this. After looking closer at this pic, it does look as if the cover has been repainted. It looks as if the cylinders are still silver. Thanks.
Hero blue 08 XB.jpg
That is a 08, the cam cover and primary are black stock on the all the 984 engine model years made. He plastidip'd the frame and plastics.
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That is a 08, the cam cover and primary are black stock on the all the 984 engine model years made. He plastidip'd the frame and plastics.

Every 08 that I've ever seen has the silver cam cover and primary cover like in the first pic. Every 09 that I've seen has the black covers. This is why I had a question about the differences in the model year.

The 984cc part is that part you arent getting! All 984's have black cam and primary covers 03-08. 09 plus the motors are all black.

The top picture in your post there is a 1203 which have the magnesium color 03-08.