Hey Ya'll, I have a recently acquired 2008 Buell XB12Scg with approx 6000 miles. Bike was completely stock when I acquired it with approximately 4000 miles a few months ago. Bike had been dropped on right side in a parking lot when PO stated he dismounted while bike was in first gear on kickstand and bike lunged after releasing clutch lever. Only damage was dented/scratched front cylinder header and frame pad.
Bike ran good upon purchase with no problems but seemed to be low on power, torque. I changed engine oil and primary as soon as i got it home because it was low on primary oil, the chain was loose, and the engine oil was very dirty and low as well. PO obviously did not perform scheduled maintenance. Mobil 1 Vtwin was used to refill both with a Mobil 1 filter. I changed Brake fluid in both front and rear.
I started having problems with CEL which was traced to muffler servo actuator. I dissassembled unit and problem subsided for a short time but returned because the cam sprocket inside the servo slips off the motor drive sprocket. I disconnect the cable from the muffler and the bike ran better this way anyways.
Soon after, my bike developed an oil leak which I traced to the rear cylinder rocker box cover gasket. I rotated the engine and replaced both inner and outer rocker cover gaskets on both cylinders with revised harley gasket. I replaced both spark plugs with NGK Iridium DCP9IEX and performed a breather re-route with catch can. I cleaned throttle body with Teflon safe intake cleaner and removed all oil from air intake assembly.
I removed Mickey Mouse mirrors and added bar end mirrors. I removed and cleaned oil off fan assembly and reinstalled. Checked torque on all bolts and adjusted primary chain again along with clutch. I reassembled engine into bike and went for ride with no problems, but still lacking low end torque and power.
I obtained a Buell Race muffler and installed. Went for ride and the thing was a beast. Tons of low end torque, great upper rpm power, smooth idle, smooth cruising low rpm, Perfect. I rode about 50 miles that day.
Next day, ran great as well, only rode about 20 miles.
Third day, installed a K&N filter and TPS reset, bike back to running like ****. Jumpy idle, low power, etc. I performed another TPS, let bike idle for 5 mins until it was somewhat smooth, went for learn in ride. Still crap.
Ordered EBR Race ECM, installed, TPS reset, idle ten minutes, ride smooth to allow learning period. Crap, sometimes it has some good grunt, sometimes it stumbles. Lots of backfiring on decel, very loud and constant popping, whether its engine braking from 5000 rpm or 2500 rpms.
I was getting an intermittent CEL while riding, sometimes it would come on steady for 5 mins other times it was there for less than a minute, but always a steady light. High RPM runs, while steady cruising 75-90 mph over rolling hills the power was good, the engine sounded healthy. But low end grunt just wasn't there, at least 90% of the time. A few times I rip it open in first and would either smoke the back tire or raise the front wheel, but only 10% of the time. I rode a full tank of fuel, approximately 130 miles at all different speeds and gears with no major changes.
I just want my bike to run the way it did when i first changed to race muffler as it was a beast.
Checking codes revealed a 21,26,34. Clutch switch is currently bypassed with a fuse, Neutral switch appears to malfunction when engine is warm, operating temp, I removed exhaust actuator servo when race ecm installed, I removed IAT temp sensor and cleaned, tested, which appeared to be okay. I alos removed and cleaned IAT servo which had a bit of oil from when the breathers were still feeding intake. I tested this unit which also appears to function fine.
The only thing I can guess is the spark plugs may be fouled. I was trying to test everything else prior to removing plugs. I haven't ridden it since cleaning the IAT servo but don't believe it would make much difference at anything other than idle as it appears to be bypassed when butterfly is opened. Factory plugs were very black with dry carbon which indicated rich running condition when i swapped the NGK's. That was with factory muffler, air filter, ecm, etc.
I'm going to take her out for another 50 miles or so to see how she handles a fresh TPS reset, Clean IAT temp sensor and servo. Will pull plugs when i return to see what she's doing.
Bike ran good upon purchase with no problems but seemed to be low on power, torque. I changed engine oil and primary as soon as i got it home because it was low on primary oil, the chain was loose, and the engine oil was very dirty and low as well. PO obviously did not perform scheduled maintenance. Mobil 1 Vtwin was used to refill both with a Mobil 1 filter. I changed Brake fluid in both front and rear.
I started having problems with CEL which was traced to muffler servo actuator. I dissassembled unit and problem subsided for a short time but returned because the cam sprocket inside the servo slips off the motor drive sprocket. I disconnect the cable from the muffler and the bike ran better this way anyways.
Soon after, my bike developed an oil leak which I traced to the rear cylinder rocker box cover gasket. I rotated the engine and replaced both inner and outer rocker cover gaskets on both cylinders with revised harley gasket. I replaced both spark plugs with NGK Iridium DCP9IEX and performed a breather re-route with catch can. I cleaned throttle body with Teflon safe intake cleaner and removed all oil from air intake assembly.
I removed Mickey Mouse mirrors and added bar end mirrors. I removed and cleaned oil off fan assembly and reinstalled. Checked torque on all bolts and adjusted primary chain again along with clutch. I reassembled engine into bike and went for ride with no problems, but still lacking low end torque and power.
I obtained a Buell Race muffler and installed. Went for ride and the thing was a beast. Tons of low end torque, great upper rpm power, smooth idle, smooth cruising low rpm, Perfect. I rode about 50 miles that day.
Next day, ran great as well, only rode about 20 miles.
Third day, installed a K&N filter and TPS reset, bike back to running like ****. Jumpy idle, low power, etc. I performed another TPS, let bike idle for 5 mins until it was somewhat smooth, went for learn in ride. Still crap.
Ordered EBR Race ECM, installed, TPS reset, idle ten minutes, ride smooth to allow learning period. Crap, sometimes it has some good grunt, sometimes it stumbles. Lots of backfiring on decel, very loud and constant popping, whether its engine braking from 5000 rpm or 2500 rpms.
I was getting an intermittent CEL while riding, sometimes it would come on steady for 5 mins other times it was there for less than a minute, but always a steady light. High RPM runs, while steady cruising 75-90 mph over rolling hills the power was good, the engine sounded healthy. But low end grunt just wasn't there, at least 90% of the time. A few times I rip it open in first and would either smoke the back tire or raise the front wheel, but only 10% of the time. I rode a full tank of fuel, approximately 130 miles at all different speeds and gears with no major changes.
I just want my bike to run the way it did when i first changed to race muffler as it was a beast.
Checking codes revealed a 21,26,34. Clutch switch is currently bypassed with a fuse, Neutral switch appears to malfunction when engine is warm, operating temp, I removed exhaust actuator servo when race ecm installed, I removed IAT temp sensor and cleaned, tested, which appeared to be okay. I alos removed and cleaned IAT servo which had a bit of oil from when the breathers were still feeding intake. I tested this unit which also appears to function fine.
The only thing I can guess is the spark plugs may be fouled. I was trying to test everything else prior to removing plugs. I haven't ridden it since cleaning the IAT servo but don't believe it would make much difference at anything other than idle as it appears to be bypassed when butterfly is opened. Factory plugs were very black with dry carbon which indicated rich running condition when i swapped the NGK's. That was with factory muffler, air filter, ecm, etc.
I'm going to take her out for another 50 miles or so to see how she handles a fresh TPS reset, Clean IAT temp sensor and servo. Will pull plugs when i return to see what she's doing.