2009 Buell!!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2008
Image didn't take man, try adding it to your photos and putting it in a post from there...
Looks bogus to me.

I talked to the Buell guys at the Red Bull Moto GP yesterday, they said the new models are being released TOMORROW!!! I'm excited!
That is true, hmm odd, the pic didn't show up for me until 1201...anyways, is this on the buell site yet?
(By The Way What The F*ck Is That Thing?)

and why can't i find it anywhere else online?
go to totalmotorcycle.com and look under concept bike. And the site is pretty cool to
The gov't computer won't let me...I could hit a proxy site and do it anyway, but they yelled at me last time I did that...:D
off topic.. Fido i might be going though lexington later this week "without my bike" Might be going to kings island. But i need to get my clutch cable replaced so if i can get my woman to follow me then mybe i will have it. I call the buel dealier in lexington to expect me in within the month either to drop the bike off or pick up the cable with the new piece but they seemed a tad confused weather or not to they would beable to get the parts... lol
That sounds a little like fun (kings island) lexington is a couple hours from here. If they don't know if they can get the part, "suggest" they ask another dealership in KY about it. Man O'War is a good dealership, not sure which city it's in though...
Thats where im talking about. Its in eastren lexington. I thought lexington was about 30 mins from you east of you? Im about an 1 hour and 15 mins east of lexington on the ky/wv board
I'm at Fort Knox bro, all the way near Radcliff, KY, think other side of Louisville from you. There is a dealer in Louisville, they do alright work, just don't keep the same hours as Man O'War does is all.
nah, but there is another post somewhere closer to you, Fort Campbell, maybe that is the one you were thinking of?

NVM just checked on google maps, it's even further away, man I'm really bad at this. LOL