Do you know for sure all those parts are bad? What happened? Even a backwards jump start wouldn’t do all that.
SPHD is the go-to for new parts but you can find used things on E-bay. Hard to do with electrical though, make sure the seller has a good rep and takes returns.
Here is what you need first. A SERVICE BOOK. Go to and download one. Seriously, RTFM. I know the cool thing to do is throw a bunch of money at it, then ask questions later. But RTFM.
Have the manual and read it thats why I am asking. All 4 signal lights are partially lit. All flasher controls come from IC. Working through the wiring manual all signs point to ic. Only thing in common to all signals is ic. So with out a spare ic I don't really want to open mine up to see what the issue is internally.
ecm gives me theft code so I might not be bad just might not be talking to the ic. But put my stock in and I can get to start. Once stated I was charging at 18v with voltage error (also fried my low beam). That was replaced by ricks under warranty. Checked stator output and resistance and all readings look good. Installed a new battery and Took it for a ride. noticed my signals were not working and when I got home they stay partially lit even with key off.