2009 xb12x will start but won't run

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May 12, 2019
Bought 2009 xb12x. First week ran well. Second week started to lose power and stumble. Would barely start. Reset TPS. Replaced TPS. Replaced spark plugs. Reset TPS again and again. Only has 9000 miles. Not sure what to do next.
Might be ur Fuel pump ! , I would spray a mist of gas in the TB if it revs up ,I would be looking at the pump, You then could do a fuel pump pressure reading. Has the bike been parked for a time ?
Bought 2009 xb12x. First week ran well. Second week started to lose power and stumble. Would barely start. Reset TPS. Replaced TPS. Replaced spark plugs. Reset TPS again and again. Only has 9000 miles. Not sure what to do next.

remove the airbox cover...then remove the airbox inner lid which exposes the throttle body just like joe mentioned. get yourself a small bottle and put a few ounces of gasoline in it. try to start the motor. if it won't start dribble some fuel down the throttle body then see if it starts. if it does but stumbles try giving it a small amount of throttle and dribble some more fuel into it. if that brings it back to life you have a failing fuel pump. i stock both new complete OEM pumps as well as complete pump rebuild kits. contact me if you need help.
Thank you! Been off line. This is my first Buell. Is the fuel pump hard to get to / replace? Have only replaced the plugs and TPS so far. If I let the bike go cold, do TPS reset. It starts right up but only runs a few seconds. After that I have to really work the throttle just to get it to start. Will not idle on its own. Will the Buelltooth give code for fuel pump? So far, no code.
I think the bike was parked for awhile with only 9000 miles. 400 by me. First 200 miles ran great. Second week of ownership went south..

Looks like I have to take out the rear axle and wheel and disconnect the rear shock and drain the gas to get the pump and filter out?
Not at all. Can be a 15 min job.

Hang the rear of the bike slightly off the ground with an A-frame ladder using a ratchet strap over the ladder and to the pillion peg mounts.
remove the lower shock bolt and let the swingarm hang.
Use masking tape to protect the swingarm paint
use tin foil to shape a funnel from the tank drain plug (left rear bottom 1/8" pipe plug)
Use a big enough drain pan! Open the gas tank cap to speed flow.
Remove the electrical plug and the 4 perimeter bolts.
A puller helps (PM Chickenstripen) but you can carefully get a sharp flat head in the gap to release the whole end cap.
The fuel pump is mounted to the cap and you can see the condition of the tank (corroded?), sock (plugged?), low level float (sunk? missing?), and wiring (chaffed?).
Lunaticfringe offers pump re-build kits or whole new pumps (Test it first)
The pair of o-rings may be a little swollen to replace the assembly immediately, but if they are in good shape leave them out to dry and they will shrink back to be able to install them with a little o-ring lube, oil, or vaseline.
I am interested in your a assistance. Do I go to eBay or your website? I'd like to attempt removal of the fuel pump/filter unit. I'd guess new orings would be included? Prefer to be ready with the parts before I start.

For me, probably more like an afternoon. Hoping to get the right parts before I start. I'd guess I might as well replace the Fuel pumps/filter unit that do not seem too expensive if I'm going to do this.

Have done the test yet , gas in the TB as john & I suggested ? Dont buy stuff unless u really need it , JMO

Here is one of mine that was sleeping for 5 yrs in old gas,

pump3.JPG pump2.JPG
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I am interested in your a assistance. Do I go to eBay or your website? I'd like to attempt removal of the fuel pump/filter unit. I'd guess new orings would be included? Prefer to be ready with the parts before I start.


here's the link to see a complete kit. a factory NOS new-in-box pump is about $100 more. pump assemblies can be a bit challenging for a novice to correctly rebuild so you might just want to go with new. contact me and i'll get you fixed up.
regards, john

Yes. I tested 3 times. About 8 drops if gas down the throttle body. Idles nicely at about 1200 for 10 seconds then seems to run out of gas. Same thing every time she takes a little fuel from a cup. If I add a little gas while she's running, she still dies. Regarding the fuel pump unit.. Looks like I have to take the rear wheel off too? Because the tire will hit the stock muffler preventing the swing arm from going down fast enough. Right?

Have done the test yet , gas in the TB as john & I suggested ? Dont buy stuff unless u really need it , JMO

Here is one of mine that was sleeping for 5 yrs in old gas,

View attachment 11761 View attachment 11762
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Yes. I tested 3 times. About 8 drops if gas down the throttle body. Idles nicely at about 1200 for 10 seconds then seems to run out of gas. Same thing every time she takes a little fuel from a cup. If I add a little gas while she's running, she still dies. Regarding the fuel pump unit.. Looks like I have to take the rear wheel off too? Because the tire will hit the stock muffler preventing the swing arm from going down fast enough. Right?

No , not necessary, Just back out the axle to take the pressure off the belt and it will lower enough.