Not at all. Can be a 15 min job.
Hang the rear of the bike slightly off the ground with an A-frame ladder using a ratchet strap over the ladder and to the pillion peg mounts.
remove the lower shock bolt and let the swingarm hang.
Use masking tape to protect the swingarm paint
use tin foil to shape a funnel from the tank drain plug (left rear bottom 1/8" pipe plug)
Use a big enough drain pan! Open the gas tank cap to speed flow.
Remove the electrical plug and the 4 perimeter bolts.
A puller helps (PM Chickenstripen) but you can carefully get a sharp flat head in the gap to release the whole end cap.
The fuel pump is mounted to the cap and you can see the condition of the tank (corroded?), sock (plugged?), low level float (sunk? missing?), and wiring (chaffed?).
Lunaticfringe offers pump re-build kits or whole new pumps (Test it first)
The pair of o-rings may be a little swollen to replace the assembly immediately, but if they are in good shape leave them out to dry and they will shrink back to be able to install them with a little o-ring lube, oil, or vaseline.