2009 XB9 ECM tuning questions

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Jun 2, 2016
I have some questions about what I should do with my XB9. I have been reading over some various threads about ECM tunes and eeprom files, etc., and I admit that a lot of this is over my head. I just want to do what's best for my bike, and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I do have a buelltooth dongle and ecmdroid app, but no computer programs like ECMSPY to use, and I have a MAC laptop, so no windows options right now. I know ecmdroid has limitations, and I may want to get in to other options to customize settings eventually, BUT I don't want to screw anything up either. I am not sure what the stock ECM file for my bike is supposed to be, or if the previous owner modified it already or not.

I have a Buell Lightning 2009 XB9XS.
I currently have a K&N air filter, and have modified the inner air box to allow more free air, as well as additional free air ports in the outer air box cover, that only help with additional cool air while moving.
I have a new D&D exhaust (443-11S system) on the way, and am planning to install it next week when it arrives. My current exhaust is not stock, but I don't know what it is. It looks like a modified stock exhaust, which is why I think the previous owner may have re-tuned the ECM at some time, but I don't know for sure.

The ECM ID I do have is from the ecmdroid app when I used the buelltooth dongle.

I guess I would love to find a file that would fit this setup as close as possible, to burn to my current ECM, but I have never done this before.
or if anyone has any information on a better way to do this than ECMdroid, as I have read that this may not be my best option.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

any advice for me on this? thanks in advance!
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A BUEZD is an 'older' firmware version. I'm very surprised that it's not BUE2D on your '09.

With your very common intake and exhaust mods, Get an existing map that matches your firmware. It is all you need.

You won't need any other program to build a custom map for these common mods. Since you are admittidly a rookie at this, the possibility of messing something up is much greater with tunerPro or ECMSpy.

It doesn't matter if the current ECM has been burned or not, save the file anyway.

Why do you think ECMDroid is not the solution, if you already have a Buelltooth??

Since you have a Buelltooth, and that site contains detailed instructions in text form (and even video form) I'm unclear on your need for "advise"?
If your present exhaust is a special ops muffler, I'd be interested in buying it should you decide to sell it. It would look like a stock exhaust except it would be shorter with two exhaust ports.

I would listen to Cooter, come to think of it, and as a matter of fact, I am listening to Cooter. Just waiting to get my dongle and, going to try and arrange a sit down with the lunaticfringe ASAP, maybe this weekend if he's available. Weather is supposed to be nice.
My 09 XB9SX also came with BUEZD firmware. When I went looking for maps that were for my firmware version I was unable to find anything for XB9's, everything was for XB12 models. I went to my local H-D dealership and they flashed my ECM to BUE2D for $45. Since I got a Buelltooth adapter, I messaged the mod of the site and he (Dave is his name I believe) offered to get me a map for my firmware version / mods / exhaust. That was when I was planning on a D&D pipe as well. I have since canceled my D&D order and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Dean Adams RT-1 and my ECM back from him with a tune for the pipe, K&N, and breather reroute. I didn't want to cut up my air box so I left that alone. At any rate, the folks over at Buelltooth should be able to help you out with a eeprom that will work. Last I heard from him, he had gotten a hold of a XB9 eeprom for a D&D pipe.
I am glad to hear this should be easy to do!
I have already saved the current file, and I do like the ease of use of the buelltooth. I had come across a few threads where some members thought it was limited to deal with certain issues in fuel adjustments specifically, and maybe AZmidget was working with a better option. (I do have a weird issue at 4Krpm at times where it looses power or something, and after reading on others with similar issues, I think it may be related to fuel settings.... but that is for another day)

I have not come across any BUEZD files for a XB9 specifically (only XB12), and so I wanted to talk with someone about where to locate a file to support my mods on a XB9.

I had contacted Dave at Buelltooth about this, and he replied requesting info. on my ECM ID and bike mods. I replied with the info. and have not heard back yet. After reading "dreams of steel" post here, I am wondering if any BUEZD files for XB9 are available at all.
The nearest HD dealership to me who will even look at a Buell is about a 3 hour drive from me, so that is not a great option... is there another way to switch my ECM from BUEZD to BUE2D? are there issues with doing this I need to look out for? Is this my ONLY option?
Having your ECM flashed to BUE2D is certainly not your only option but it may open up more choices as far as eeproms. One thing I noticed immediately was that the fan logic had changed. My fan used to come on when I slowed down / stopped, now it is on while riding and stops when I go below about 10mph. Kind of nice not hearing it run at every stop light. I also added a right side air scoop and that has helped with cooling. But I digress. Dave at Buelltooth has some fancy software to convert files from one ECM firmware to another (or so it seems) since he was willing to help me find a BUE2D eeprom for a D&D pipe, K&N, and breather reroute on a XB9. I am sure someone has a file out there but he was willing to convert / make one for me. I would suggest making sure he has all the info he needs, then give him some time to work on it. Responses were timely in my communique with him, I'm sure he will get back to you as soon as he can.
Dreams of Steel. What H-D dealer was it? And the fan settings are totally independant of the fuel map although they get loaded at the same time in the .xpr file. ECM Parameters/limits/fan. You have 'speed based fan control' checked.

JonDredd. ECMDroid is really meant to add an existing fuel map for a bike like yours with no unusual mods. You can manipulated the fuel map, but that's better done in TunerPro or ECMSpy. You don't need all that. If you have a weird running issue like "at 4Krpm at times where it looses power or something", I highly suggest you fix it before messing with a custom fuel tune. Messing with the fuel tune might mask an issue, but it sure won't fix one...
Thanks guys.
I think what I am going to do first, is get it back together and back on the road to try it out as is, and ride it for a while while taking notes on how things are doing. If the previous owner did update the eeprom then maybe it will be fine with my similar exhaust upgrades, and I won't need to get in to this. Maybe.
If it does seem to need help, then I will go down that road and see what might be best for it. If I can find maps for my ECM ID as is, or if I am better off changing it to provide more map options... we will see.

The power loss at 4K or so, is not all of the time, but when it happens it is always at cruising speed (not full throttle) and feels like its running out of fuel for a moment, then gets intermittent if I hold it there (RPM). I was told that the computer is doing a few things when it comes to allocating fuel at certain RPMs, and has different specs based on what position the throttle is in (half throttle vs. full open) It was explained to me (in very basic layman terms), that it is using different fuel maps for those different situations. This led me to think that if the computer was trying to decide which position the throttle was in, and I was teetering between settings, it may result in a situation similar to mine. In my case, when it occurs, I just power through it, and try not to cruise at that RPM if I can help it. It doesn't seem to be a big deal, just an annoyance from time to time and an eye opener on turns occasionally. When it happens I don't want to ignore it, because I always feel like it might be an issue...

Cooter- I agree completely with you, that all parameters should be in top working order before attempting any computer tuning, but what if the issue IS the fuel numbers being slightly low at a certain point? and how do I know? I can do a full swap of all basic items (air sensor, spark plugs, air filter, oil, more?) and start running tests to see when the drop occurs, and try to rule out other things first, and that's probably what I will do... But then what? a full dyno? I'm not sure how far to go for that issue. Is it a BIG deal... or is it just a harmless minor glitch?
I have an '09 XB9SX as well and if I remember correctly my firmware is BUEYD. I have been tuning with TunerPro and ECMDroid for years now, but up until this thread was started I didn't realize that my firmware was out dated and the ability to get the firmware re-flashed was even an option. What are the actual benefits of getting the ECM re-flashed to the BUE2D?
Cooter - I went to Paradise H-D in Tigard, OR. They are a Buell-friendly dealer and several of the employees ride or have owned XB's in the recent past. I don't know if they would be amenable to having an ECM shipped to them for flashing but it would be worth a call to anyone who wants it done.
Your understanding of how the ECM determines fueling is correct. It takes the sensor inputs (including TPS) to output the correct fueling settings. The internal tune doesn't change, but will adapt according to the O2.
I wouldn't bother changing the firmware, unless you have issues with it.

"This led me to think that if the computer was trying to decide which position the throttle was in, and I was teetering between settings,"
The ECM doesn't "decide" anything. It does what it's told to do. If it is getting bad info input from a sensor, it will output bad info. Like I said, you could mask an issue like that with tuning, but you won't solve it.

Do this:
"all parameters should be in top working order before attempting any computer tuning"

Edit: Tigard! Haha. I grew up in Lake Oswego:)
Wow small world! I see several members from Phoenix and surrounding areas, which is where I was born and did a little growing up. We moved up here to Hillsboro when I was a kid and this is still where I call home. I live in Sherwood now, just south of Tigard. Paradise in Tigard and their sister shop, The PDX Speedshop ovber in the Pearl District of Portland, are my local haunts. The guy who runs the Speedshop rides a Uly most of the time so he and I get along just fine. He's trying to make the Speedshop a place that is known for servicing Buells which is really cool since there are quite a few in the area up here. I see a black and silver Lightning go by my appliance shop dam near every morning and I spotted a 1125CCR in Newberg just down the road last week. I just can't flippin' wait to get my pipe and ECM back so I can get on the road again.
Yesterday the D&D exhaust was delivered, and last night I installed it on the bike. I was eager to get back out today, so I opted not to change my spark plugs and air sensor yet.
I started it up, and almost immediately I noticed the idle was different than before (and so was the sound!). I had never before had any issues with this bike starting, or maintaining a steady idle at start up. Today, it would hold around 1K for about 30 seconds, and then start to waiver down, and then cut off completely. At times it seemed like the bike was trying to compensate as it went down, but ultimately it wouldn't keep an idle, and fell out about 6 times. I eventually "helped" it by giving it throttle when it needed it, and it did better once warmed up. When I was set to go, I held the clutch in and put it in to 1st, but before I could give it gas to go, it quit running again. I restarted, and got going by being more aggressive with the throttle, and once I was moving, it was going great. I did notice I had to be careful at stops, and rev a bit more to avoid it dropping rpm.

I rode about 80 miles total today, and had no real other issues to speak of. I stopped for lunch for about 40 minutes, and let it cool down. when I came out it started up fine, and ran very strong.
I'm going to see how it goes tomorrow, and give it a few rides to gather info. If the idle problem goes away, it doesn't seem like I will need to burn another code.

The only "issue" is the "dead spot" I noted before. It kicks in halfway between 3K and 4K, and seems to happen in every gear. It doesn't happen at full throttle, only cruising. It has been there for as long as I have owned the bike, and I just switched out the air filter, spark plugs and air sensor, along with complete oil change at the end of last season (just to try and rule out some basic things) and I didn't ride much until a few weeks ago... but it is still the same. When I am ready to move forward with this issue, I will replace all of that again to totally rule out those as culprits, but any ideas on other places to check?

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