2010 XB9SX in a crate outside for the winter..what should I pay?

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Mar 4, 2010
Hey guys,

I have an opportunity to buy a brand new 2010 xb9sx that has been sitting in its crate inside a trailer for the past 4 months. I might get a sick deal on it and just wondering if I should take it to the dealership and get them to look it over and put it together? Any chance that cold weather could have damaged the bike?
There's a couple guys on here who keep their bikes outside all winter under a bike cover. It's a sad story, but it happens. Go grab it before the warm weather hits and your sick deal goes away. How much do you think you can get it for??
I offered the company $3k. It was purchased for a movie and was going to be shipped to africa for filming. At the last minute they decided to cancel and hire my company to store a bunch of vehicles, including the bike and 2 humvees.

I'm really pumped and hope they accept. I've been driving an old 83 Honda Silverwing for the past 8 years so hopefully I'll have a nice new bad ass bike for the summer.
A silverwing is a big scooter right? You sir have my respect.

A silverwing is not a scooter. It's a 650 twin with a cylinder configuration like a Guzzi. Great engines and great bikes. I owned the turbo version for years, 98 ponies shaft drive fuel injected liquid cooled goodness. God I miss that bike.
Sadly it is now.

Honda stopped making the V-Twin Silverwings back in the mid 80's. Mine is a GL500 and overall its a decent bike. Not bad looking ether if you take off its windshield and fairings.
As long as the bike was stored properly and was prepared correctly for storage its all good. Good Luck sounds like a good deal if everything looks ok with it.
Good deal? :( Mine cost $6k more than that and it was a new '06 bought in 2008.

It's an amazing deal if you can get it for $3k.
Yeah that's definitely a great deal. I've seen a couple pictures on here of dealerships that just had bikes stacked up out back in crates, so I wouldn't even consider that an issue. I'm hoping to pick up a used bike with less than 15k miles this year for about that same price, so if you can get a new one for the same price you'd be set. You'll definitely never find a deal like that again.
Actually there's two original humvees that need to be sold. Their valued at $50k but I'm sure they'd take half. They where actually used in the movie The A-Team thats coming out in June so nows your chance guys too own a big piece of movie memorabilia. hah


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