2014 BuellXB calender!

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Hope I'm not to late.

Yeah can we do honorable mentions or something? I will only get a vote from myself!
IF it's decided to use more than one per month, you may look at doing something like this. This is a calendar that they're making on an XR1200 forum I belong to:


In this case, the moderator just chose random cool pics that were posted over the last year. Again...just an idea IF we wanted to incorporate more pics...
O dear god can we please do something like that. I think that this will sell more calendars as well![up]
50Dro [up]
DJS2k2 [up] for honorable mentions
I'm not sure if we will have enough pictures to do that for every month. However, we could do the months just like they are now with one picture. Then on the cover do a combination of pictures like above? Just an idea
...or one main pic for the winners with just a few smaller ones around them for the runners up. The sky is the limit with these online printing companies. Lots of templates to chose from.

Just keep in mind guys, this may prove to be a royal PITA for Loki so we should reserve the final judgement for him since he's volunteered to do this. [up] Loki!
[up] Thanks in advanced Loki! Appreciate all your work on the calendars!
Very well put 50dro!!
We have 47 pics already if he wanted it to be like those calendars he could do one big pic and 2 med pics on each side. If he did that we would only need 60 pics total with 12 being winners. Just a though or suggestion. If you already know what you are doing and are not open to suggestions just let me know. I really appreciate you taking on this task. [up]
The only thing we(Loki) have to decide is do we(Loki) want a winners calendar or a members calendar ...
I agree with the above post from djs2k2. I love my buell and i love the stares it gets all the time. Even if my pics dont make it Ill gladly buy a calendar and hang it proudly in my garage.
No. There will NOT be more then one picture for each month.
You can thank 50dro for ruining the chance and trying to change everything! HOW ABOUT YOU DO THE CALENDARS THEN!?

j/p. I will however see what I can do about adding a contributors page in the back. ;)
Loki 50dro was also saying for everyone to thank you for taking on this huge task. Unless I misread your last post?