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Jul 16, 2009
Had a chance to test ride a Brammo Enertia, 60mph top speed, range 42 miles. Upside down forks, Brembo brakes. You can tell its well built by looking, and the ride was as good. My biggest complaint about the bike are the footpegs are really low. I didn't drag them in the parking lot, but was dragging my feet. It got up to 47mph in the lot and was still accelerating as hard as it was at 20mph. The chassis was stiff but the steering was a tad slow, but totally acceptable. The cooling fan is in the same place as a Buells' and it sounds exactly the same. The price is $7,195 and qualifies for a %10 federal tax credit.




Yeah, saw those at best buy a few months ago& took some pics too.
Actually saw a Sebastapol cop riding one the other day.From where I was looking, he looked stiffly perched on that thing, he also wasn't really in full riding police gear either. Maybee is was more the rider...
beats the heck out of a moped IMO
great for putting around town too I bet
is it quiet or is the fan always on like the new buell flash? (or was that the last flash? I have no idea I ride an '03)

introducing the new short range urban assault vehicle :D
the fan kicked on, once shut off. My urban assault ride would be a husqvarna sm510. I came so close to getting one, then bought a buell. With the roads in such disrepair If I ever get another bike it will be a sm ftw.
the swingarm and rear suspension dont look very high quality to me. the rear subframe looks pretty bad too. it would be neat to try out. does it wheelie? it looks like it has lots of front travel, they should have gone with a dirtbike swingarm and linkage.
I'm sure it works great around town, clearly first generation; not really meant to be on the rode with a buell, I'd say...
My urban assault ride would be a husqvarna sm510.

but that's a longer distance urban assault

42 miles is a short short SHORT range assault bike

a husky could cross LA or larger without having to go home first.

but I would take the KTM SMC 690 (990 for the real hooligan in ya)
won't wheelie, but it rocks a stopie with that brembo no prob. I thought it looked well built myself.
Been drooling over the 690, but now I have to wait another year, I'm still looking around for the perfect hooligan .
Kalifornia-am I gonna see you on the electric green next time we ride?Talk about not hearing you come down the road- (wich is soon,I hope)