A few concerns and questions about my bike.

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
I just did the breather mod and my bike runs alot smoother but i notice my fan comes on faster then usally like my bike is getting hotter faster. And my filter was smoking alittle but that couldve been alittle water in it or something. Will the breather mod make my bike run hotter and loss power?
Also idk where its coming from but when i break i get a granding feeling like im running over fine rocks. The faster im going the more it does it. Do you think its the tire (brand new about 600 miles on it and it still does it) or my disk? my pads looked good but idk why its doing this. Any ideas?
sometimes the fan turns on faster and longer depending on the riding style, heat that day, or excessive idling (city). Has nothing to do with the breather mod. Breather mod wont make your bike run hotter.

As for the rough feel... most likely not the tire. Its has to be the rotor. Is the front or rear brake?
How would i check that out?

You would hear it too most likely. Lift the front tire off the ground and spin the wheel by hand, if you hear any grinding or roughness (besides the rotor) than your wheel bearing is bad.
its hard to do by yourself unless you have a front lift but this is how i did it. stand on the left side of your bike and with your kick stand down and both hands on the bars turn bars all the way right and pull back. bike will rock up on kick stand and front wheel will come up and with your left hand give the tire a spin and you mite feel bearings ticking its a lot better if you can get someone to spin it for you. my left side bearing was bad and i could feel it ticking when i grabbed left fork leg but not the right. good luck
Yes its the front tire. How much would it cost to replace a bearing? Would i have to take it to a dealer?

And on a off subject note, ive seen alot of pictures where people have their LSS top hole welded shut, is this good and should i do it?
the bearings are about 14 bucks each and cost of install i could not say mine was a warrantee repair.
, ive seen alot of pictures where people have their LSS top hole welded shut, is this good and should i do it?

Are you talking about the intake hole that goes thru the top of the frame? If so, the newer bikes don't have that as an engine air intake, it's right behind the gas cap. But my frame does look like it had that hole, and it was welded closed at the plant, but if your bike has that as an intake(not for cylinder cooling) leave it alone! P.s Mines an 09. Hope this helps :)
Thanks beater that helps.

Im going to install my RSS, stiffen up my suspension, change the primary oil, and check my bearing this weekend.
Went to a HD dealer and he looked at my tire and said the bearing felt ok and he thinks its my inner brake pad. But now i also have a small clinging sound coming from my heads! :O Im going to change my primary oil tomorrow and hope that helps.