Buells were plauged w/issues for years.
But w/the advent of the XB line, things have changed.
The XB's are ridiculously reliable.
While there are still issues that pop up from time to time,
Buell has become an anyone's motorcycle.
Its not just for the grease monkey w/tons of time on his hands.
At least not any more.
If you like more than a couple bikes,
you should take them out for test rides.
Don't just do it once.
Do it several times if you can.
Get to know the bikes a little.
If you have serious questions about reliability,
you can find quite the history of issues on badweb.
This site doesn't have the history you'll find there.
Not yet anyways.
Let us know what you decided.
Robtk!42 a.k.a. "Specialk!"
"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and
let each new year find you a better Buell."
--Benjamin FranklinBuelly