against the law to use brakes

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wow man I really wouldnt have been able to bite my tongue at all.. I have respect for the law 100% but that clown would have gotten an argument on the spot + another officer called to the scene. I respect this guy for keeping his mouth shut there but I really would not be able to stay that calm. I hope this cop gets laughed at in court for acting like that.
I woulda came unglued as soon as he hit me. ( My dad was a cop for 20 years so i understand both sides fairly well) Cops are just regular people doing their job and some of them are stupid ***** just like ne other person. The officer knew he f'd up and was pissed so he jumped down the guys neck and scared him with his authority. Total crap... Hope the guy at least gets paid for ne damage and the cop gets a citation.

I was hit by a state trooper in the parking lot where i work he backed into me as i was leaving work. His first instinct was to accuse me of speeding and not wearing my seat belt which i was wearing and i wasnt speeding (although he was speeding, in reverse). But when i let him know(politely) that i was more disgusted with his driving than he was with mine he calmed down. The best part was when he had to call the local PD and the sheriff's deputy to come right a accident report :D

Ended up costing the state $1300 to fix my '95 explorer bcuz he was in a hurry to get out and right some tickets :p
The ****? I didn't even realize he had been hit...

I respect the job that police do; however, there are idiots and ******** in every profession. No exceptions.
Biting your tongue and getting a lawyer is probably a great idea but to go ahead and leave the scene without any incedent report could make a judge think that the rider was wiling to accept the situation......might hurt his case a little.

Don't know if you heard about officer Bisard here in Indiana that plowed into a couple of riders at speed while on duty, killing one and injuring another. He stated that he was responding to a call. He had been drinking as well.

Like was said already......bad apples everywhere.
I didn't realize he'd been hit either until watching it the second time! That cop was/is an absolute ******! I hope the guy is causing a stink about this if anything out of principal to show that cops can't be bullying everyone.
go ahead and leave the scene without any incedent report could make a judge think that the rider was wiling to accept the situation

He's got better than a report, its on video. And who would he ask to do the report? The same officer who hit him from behind and blamed him for it? Not sure that would've turned out in his favor.

That's just a tough situation. I'm not saying I would've handled it the right way, but I think he did.
Wow, I'm not sure what I would of done in this situation, buy I think he handled it very professionally. I'm not taking about the cop btw.

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