Air Filter

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Nov 9, 2008
Alright, i search quick and couldn't find anything on air filter preference. To be honest I can't see there being a HUGE difference in performance from one to the other. So I don't want to just spend money for no reason, but I to want to do my baby right. With that in mind...any suggestions on a good quality air filter and where i can pick it up. Thanks guys!
its about the easiest part to access. All you do is take off the air box (4 screws) unclip the box lid and its sitting right there.
4 bolts, 3 more bolts, six little clips. takes about 5 minutes if that.

take off your seat, take out the 4 bolts for your airbox cover, two in the front, to under the seat. remove that. take off the three bolts holding on your exhaust valve and swing it out of the way. unplug the hose to your gas tank as well. then undo all the clips to the inne airbox cover, and voila.
First, I have almost no Buell-specific knowledge. Second, I don't mean to start trouble, BUT...

Google K&N particle efficiency. I have had them on several bikes in the past, but after doing some studying, I determined that the slight increase in airflow wasn't worth the apparent increase in contaminants, and went back to factory paper.

As always, opinions vary, as may your results.
K&N says they put out more and its true they are high flow filters but i would like to here some more about the contaminants coming through the filter...K&N's were originally designed for sand and dirt dessert places wouldnt guess there would be problems for us in the rural areas or city's?
I have been using K&Ns on every car,truck and bike I've ever owned never had a problem with them. I have heard of people over oiling them and burning sensors up.
I've always been a foam filter guy for everything I build. I have a pipercross in my XB and have used HKS's in most of my auto builds. They are the easiest to clean and the highest flowing while still capturing contaminants. It's all in the cell structure.

For those they want some serious science K&N lets a lot of contaminants through but does flow the most. The important thing to note is how fast it clogs up though. It will flow the most but for a relatively short period of time. Basically K&N will get you the most power out paper filters but will also let the most crap into your engine and require you to clean and oil it all the time.
Can someone post a pic of a 09 firebolt stock airfilter. My exhause has been moded but im not sure if the air filter was changed.
Never woulda guessed K&N would be bad is there a way you can make up for all the contaminants that it lets through or get a AC DEL co one for our XB's
To my knowledge there are only 4 filters available for XB's.

1. Factory
2. Factory Race
3. K&N
4. Pipercross

I've already expressed my bias towards pipercross cause I like foam. I would think your best bet for paper would be the factory race filter.

Also remember from that test data the AC Delco collected the most contaminants and took the longest to clog up while doing so but it was also the most restrictive which hurts power. You need a balance between protection and flow. I know most of us are really on top of maintenance with our bikes so I wouldn't see a issue with the K&N on them. I mean I've always run air horns with no filter on drag cars cause I knew I would be tearing them down often enough that any particles were irrelevant.

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