Alaska Trip

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Nov 6, 2011
Hi all,

I am looking at buying a 09 XT for a trip to Alaska. I am also considering a Vstrom, but would rather take a Buell. If you guys whom I consider very knowledgeable/experts were taking this trip, what mods,and upgrades would you do to the 09 XT and what tires would you recommend ? I would think something semi aggressive but not knobbies.

Thanks to all who replay.

delta; they're both wonderful bikes, can't go wroing with either choice though i'm very partial to the Uly. upgrades to a Uly almost limitless but personally i'd go with volt meter gauge, heated grips, heated vest for yourself, full service of bike before you set sail, and perhaps a skid plate on the factory muffler though you have to make it yourself. i can send you specs if you like. as for tires i have no idea as i'm running econo brand street Shinkos on my Uly.
It's obvious that I like the Buell platform, since I moderate a Buell forum. With that said, I would select the Strom for the trip to Alaska. Parts are more readily available, the platform is a little more abuse-tolerant, and it's a more offroad-capable bike. In my mind, that makes it a no-brainer.
I went to alaska this summer on a 2009 XT. Had zero issues. I did have a few tool tubes with 1L. of gas in one and a pump/patch kit (5 flats in 20k miles makes me a planner), plus i bought a gallon gas can in Prince George which I didn't end up using, but it was REAL nice having the insurance. The gas range is the only real limiter for the trip. If you're just going to SE alaska (haines, etc) which is where I went there was gas every 100-150 miles (usually less) but premium was scarce in N. BC. I recommend some octane boost, although again, the motor never missed a beat on regular gas. Also had a Buell tookit and a spare belt (I've gone through 3 in 22,000 miles).

I hate to say it, but if you're gonna do the Dempster or N. Alaska then the Strom might be the bike unless you bring a spare couple gallons of gas.


I did the trip from Homer AK through Canada and into Montana. But I was driving the raptor SVT I use to have. Awesome trip. A few words of advice don't ride after dark. Tons of moose In the road. Bedsides that it was a blast make sure you have a good camera!
Take a good look at the KLR 650 also...

No doubt. I had a KLR650 for a couple years and took that bike everywhere. I dumped it off of mountains, I crashed it on gravel fire roads at high speeds, and I rode through water up to my knees on numerous occasions. The bike just picked right up and kept going. Plus they're super easy to repair on the side of the road. Only downside is that for extended periods of time at high speed, they're not super comfortable. The 6th gear of a DL-650 is nice, sometimes, whereas the KLR tends to feel like a lawnmower at 70 mph.
I am actually planning a trip to Alaska for the summer 2013. Unsure myself if I am going to ride my 08X there or not as I am concerned about possible service needs. I may op to just ride my Harley Ultra. Now don't get me wrong I love my Uly and ride it almost daily except when there is snow or ice so far. I have 9500 miles on mine and no issues so far (knock on wood)

Would love to pair up with a group if some are going as I plan to ride from Kansas to haines and then take the ferry back to washington state.

There is a nice one for sale at topeka Harley for $5500.
Many thanks to all,
Been reading some of the different forums off and on for the past couple years and recognize several issues with the Uly that I hope I could resolve if I bought one and before I took a long trip.
1. Rear Bearing, I would buy the 2010 wheel and forget about it.
2. Are belts that bad or is it just guys getting rocks caught up in the belt going off road. My Sporty has got 15K on it and I have never touched the belt (KNOCK ON WOOD). Is it the same belt or is it smaller on the Buell? I will carry a spare for sure.
3. Voltage Regulator, Did these get improved for the 08 and above? Are they a real problem (not sure)? If they are I will replace it with a new bigger better one. I plan on upgrading the head light and wearing a heated vest and gloves so it has to work. (Garmin, Cell Phone also)
4. Electronics, Did Buell resolve the bad connectors by 09? Not sure about ECM remap thing. OK I will show my age and my ignorance here. I am guessing that remapping is like tweaking the carburetor and points at the same time! Hopefully this is not an issue on the road. Not gonna have a laptop...
5. Gas limitations. This could be the show stopper. I was planning on buying a one gallon fuel tank (ROTOXPAX) for backup but don't want to use it all the time. I have read some guys get mid 30's and some guys get up to 50MPG. Would consider myself light on the throttle but the bike would be loaded down with myself and equipment so I'm guessing anything less than 40mpg would not work. My 1200 sporty gets 45 to 50 all the time. Does the Buell need premium Gas?
6. No riding after Dark. Not going to happen. Not just moose come out in the evening. All the little critters come out. Beside I don't like to set up camp in the dark.
7. The KLR650 is a great bike but most of the riding will be on pavement and I want the comfort of the bigger bikes so the KLR is out. If I were taking my truck up there and hauling a bike, then I would consider the KLR. You could find some pretty cool back roads to explore I'm sure.
8. It Would be real nice to group up on this trip but don't know if I can make 2013. Still have a job unfortunately and don't know if I could squeeze it in for 2013. I was thinking/hoping 2014. I really want to take my time and enjoy this trip. KAG, you or anybody else are welcome to email me if you are interested in joining in. It will be a blast..
If I buy the Buell I want to make it as bulletproof/reliable as I can.

Once again Thanks a bunch guys. There is a great deal of knowledge on these forums and I will try to read some more and see what I can learn. Its 12:25 AM and I gotta go to work tomorrow.
after living in alaska for 3 years and driving back and forth more then once the biggest concern you will have with ridin up there is FUEL. there are few and far between gas stations on the ALCAN and other roads. And after dark they just close and dont open till morning. on our drive up there my wife and i spent the night in the car waiting on the station to open so we could fill up and continue our journey. if you do decide to take the buell i would seriously consider the fuel situation. but im sure its been done before and can be done again. good luck and take pix alaska is the most beautiful state youll ever see.