All-Balls Bearing

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2012
Willow Grove, Pa
WP_20150704_11_46_26_Smart.jpgthis is what my bearing looked like and I don't use a pressure washer. ( put the in about a year ago. )RUSTY!
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I had a spare set of SKF bearing and put them in and will order another set to have in stock. I know they make really good bearings . Maybe I got a bad bearing nothing is perfect but just want people to know to check your bearings if they are all-balls.WP_20150704_11_46_52_Smart.jpg
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Honestly, I noticed my rear bearing starting to get a little rust around the outside lip. All Balls, its only the rear though.
Yes it was from the rear and it was belt side. When I saw that bearing was rusty I just went and pulled the other one and replaced it to. I think I still have it will have to pull it part and look at it to. I have been looking at bearings and found a stainless steel, will have to do some research.
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one year ricky? that is gross. let me know if you want me to pick up some bearings for you up here. there is a mennonite family over in rothsville that runs a mom and pop bearing house and they'll have what you need. very nice folks to deal with.
Thanks John will get back to you on that, here is both bearings the one on the right is belt side the other is left side.WP_20150720_001.jpg don,t want to say anything bad about all-balls they usually have good bearings but don't know what to say. don't know if people know but if you click on pic it will come up bigger. Like I stated I don't us a pressure washer or hose just a detail spray on my bike . They have been in the bike almost 2 years the number 2 didn't show up in the first post.
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Makes me want to pull mine now,lol. I am showing a little surface rust on the outer lip on the rear. I will for sure pull them this winter and replace with a different bearing.
I have All Balls bearings in right now and also the previous set prior to powder coating the wheels...neither one looked like that, but then again I also don't live in either climate as you guys do. so let's not start a fenzy about bearings.
Not trying to start a frenzy about bearings if you ask me it should not look like that at almost 2 years. You maybe lucky you live in Arizona but I don't and it was just by chance when doing my fuel pump and removed tire that I said to myself check your bearings. Now I am glad I did. All-Balls works for you that's great but I am using a different brand not taking a chance . I put SKF bearings in for now. Like I said not trying to start a frenzy just letting people know, they may not have any problems but I know I did. Climate should not make that much difference because they us the same type of bearings on snowmobiles and they are in snow.
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lived in SoCal prior to Arizona, more moisture there than here and still my bearings didn't look like that. could have been a bad batch of grease that caused it, an isolated incident... doubt it being a wide spread issue with All Balls bearings after all these years of using them by myself and many others. this can happen to any manufacturer getting and using a faulty part, sub component and or required lubricant specified in the supporting technical document for that part, sub component, etc... just saying. I'd say let the OCD side of everyone come out when it comes to your motorcycles. go the extra mile in looking the bike over, as well as cleaning her up. it's a good thing you found it now rather than later and you're taking care of it right away, hats off to ya:up:
I was thinking of the grease to . Have been doing a lot of reading on bearings and classifications plus the grease they use, some good stuff to read up on. :up:
most manufactures give chemicals a shelf life, once that time is reached legally it has to be disposed of properly...since it's deemed HAZMAT. part of my job is dealing with different types of solvents and lubricants, always have to keep track of it and making sure it's properly labeled and disposed of in the designated collection area(s).
good reading...agreed and also helps knowing what to use and what not to on certain applications. some react quickly, while others over time can damage parts and finishes. good to have also a cross reference if possible, for alternatives that are compatible with the specified lubricant so you're not left stuck being able to complete a task holding the entire project up.
I agree.. isolated incident. All Balls isn't known for being problematic. A lot of their bearings on the street, if it was common the rep would be out there.
Well replaced front and rear bearings with these new ones I got they cover 6006-rs, 2rs, 2rs1. I am testing these out and will report back later but they took away a rhythmic vibration i had not been able to track down.WP_20150723_002.jpg This is how they came, don't really need so many but it was to good of a deal to pass up. ( front & rears ) they are not all-balls.
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I KNOWWWWWW. They are from USBB down in Gloomshadows state. The fronts cover 6005-rs,2rs,2rs1.Rears-rs, 2rs, 2rs1. I noticed when removing old bearings witch are not old they lose there grease so that tells me they are getting hotter then you think .So I went with these and they are for higher speeds and has up dated grease in them. Have made a big difference on my bike and so far no grease loss from bearings. I took the bike on a by-pass and was at 120 for a little and could never do before because of rhythmic vibration. Would start feeling it at 80 on up but now it is gone. They have the blue seals like all-balls but not all-balls.WP_20150726_19_00_02_Smart.jpg
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