Almost ended it today

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Apr 30, 2010
so today leaving work i get my green arrow. do the usual check both ways and make sure crossing traffic is stopping for their red light and proceed. well a guy oncoming decides that he is going to go right on red while talking on his cell phone. now i have the barker and its kinda loud but he was into his conversation did see nor hear me. noticing this i laid on the horn non stop...scared the sh*t out of the fat bastard and im close enuff to him i can read his lips and he is just cussing me out and gives me the #1 symbol.

I just dont understand how he can be pissed at me cause i was looking out for my life while he carried on his conversation while driving (which is illeale in MI by the way), sorry just had to vent a bit this is the closest i have come to being hit by a car while on the bike
Yikes. People scare the piss out of me when I'm driving my car... the bike just makes things all-the-more scary. Glad you made it out safely :-/
start keeping some double AA batteries in your left pocket.

They'll get the point after that.
Pennies work too, they are good for when people tailgate you, just flip one over your head.
I am happy to hear you avoided a collision. I had a bmw cut me off yesterday... I avoid peoples blind spots like the plague but sometimes you can't. To avoid being pushed into oncoming traffic I grabbed a whole lotta brakes right next to the double yellow. When I see the guys eyes in his side mirror I give him the "open your effing eyes" symbol. He politely waves acknowledging that NOW he sees me. Ride like you are invisible... most people are blind.
yeah pennies do the trick i have used them on occasion but i drive 4 miles from work to my home. so i didn't have anything. just astonished me talking away on his phone not paying attention to anything. if i was alone in the lane by myself that would be one thing but there was other cars behind me in the turn lane.
I just dont understand how he can be pissed at me cause i was looking out for my life while he carried on his conversation while driving (which is illeale in MI by the way)

Only texting is illegal in mi. All drivers can talk on cell phones.
Usually i am pretty courteous to other drivers when i'm driving my truck or the bike. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt when they don't see me. However if i notice they are on the phone, eating or drinking I could care less about courtesy at that point. I've gestured to people before by holding my hand in the universal phone position to my head followed by the middle finger while shaking my head... I rarely get anyone who ever gives me one back. [mad]

Sorry i was getting phone Sex.............

Just kidding it wasn't me after last years numbers of poeple getting hit on bikes this state needs to get better eye test's for licensing.
One of my favorite t-shirts... " sorry my loud pipes interrupted your phone call "
I would rather get a speeding ticket than hangout in someone's blind spot...meaning I tend to speed to stay ahead of cars and out of "their" way.
I have used the "hand full of pennies" trick before. Makes you feel better anyway. Glad to hear the ass didn't hit you. And I never pass someone on their passerger side if possible, and don't hang in anyones blind spot on their drivers side. Im with tater, I would rather be pulled over and explain to the cop how I was tring to stay alive and possibly get a ticket.

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