Any vapers / e-cig users out there

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Jun 18, 2013
So who all out there is into vaping? Post up your setups and you favorite blend of juice!

I'm pretty new to it. Quit smoking about a week ago and started using the vaporizer to cure the cravings. I was smoking about a pack and a half of camel lights a day and since I've been vaping I've only had three real cigs in the past week. I'm kicking myself for not switching sooner.

I'm using a Vamo V2, switching tanks between a protank 2 and a dual coil iclear30.
Daily juices have been a lemon aid / sweet tea mix 18mg nic 50/50pgvg, and a pomegranate / sour apple mix 18mg 50/50

As a health professional, I feel obligated to tell you guys to be careful. There is 0 regulation on the hardware or nicotine solutions, so there's no way to know what it is you're actually inhaling. Even without all the other terrible things they mix into cigarettes, we're finding that nicotine, alone, carries some very significant health risks. As an ex smoker with a 2-3 pack/day habit and a terribly addictive personality, I understand why things like this are so attractive. Just please be safe, buy from reputable retailers, and if you're planning on quitting, keeping moving toward smoking cessation. Don't just use this as a replacement for cigarettes long-term.

Okay, enough medical mama bear ********. I'm also just a little jealous they didn't have these when I quit, because they look so ******* cool.

As long as you stay away from the foreign made liquids and buy from a good reputable us shop it's considered safe. Well safer than regular smokes. The local shop I deal with mixes all the juices on site using 100% food grade ingredients, though most of us still understand the nicotine content is still somewhat harmful. I am by no means planning to use this as a long term alternative to smoking. My plan is to take a step back on the nicotene content every month or so with my liquid blends until I'm down to zero then drop it all together. For me withdrawing from nicotene triggers unbearable migraines which pretty much renders me useless and since I've been using the vape I've only felt the "need" three times in the week I've been doing it. I honestly feel like its been a life saving device for me.
You won't get any judgment from me, bud. Most any way you take to quit smoking cigarettes gets my two thumbs up [up][up]. In medicine, we generally consider the #1 preventable risk factor for most of the leading causes of death to be smoking. It's just crazy dangerous, and this is coming from a guy who enjoyed smoking death sticks for many, many years.
I have been thinking about getting one and did today. Went with a starter kit from Smokin Crow, there is a shop just down the street. The juice is 26mg called sweet leaf, haha.

Thanks for your input Octo, for real.

@03firebolt, the biggest key for me sofar is simply finding a fluid that you really enjoy. The only time I smoked my tobacco flavors was for the first few days, now I'm mainly on "fruity" flavors unless I have a real hard craving then ill hit one of my tobacco blends. Most people I've talked to didn't enjoy any tobacco taste after the first few weeks.

The shop I deal with is vapes gone wild in newnan ga.
So far I like the tobacco flavor, may not after awhile though. I will end up getting more flavors to see what I like the best.
I got my vape today and got a couple fruity juices. I love this thing perfect substitute for smoking cigs while drinking. I am a weekend drinking smoker, previous daily smoker that needs to rid the habit and smelling like a ashtray also because I have a little one on the way.
Its nothing fancy looking, I didnt want that.


I am trying a flavor they sell call hush tonight, it tastes like cotton candy to me. This weekend I will be using the other flavor Strawberry & Mango, I have tried it and it is just as good as the Hush.
i have use an e cig on airline flights. it didnt really taste like any thing. it did do the job. a couple puffs and i was good. i only bought it for the long flights i was on when deployed. but what worked for me to quit was nicatine patches and nic gum at the same time. unforunatly i lasted 7 months with out a smoke. had some bad juju come up and set me off. all down hill from there.