Anybody have any damn Idea...HELP

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2011
For the life of me I cannot get these damn head studs off. I've been doing the locking nut trick and had no luck, hell I even got nylon nuts to help but no dice.

Anybody have any tricks?
If you are not going to reuse the studs, weld a socket extension to the end and take it off like that.
If you are not going to reuse the studs, weld a socket extension to the end and take it off like that.

That or weld the nut onto the stud. I would have to take my motor to friends place to use the welder
Take a hammer and tap, and hit the stud at the top a few times real hard, then try removing.

I'll give that a shot.

But knowing my luck I would probable have to weld a nut onto each stud
Borrow, buy or rent a head stud remover. Many different types available and you can probably find one at Sears even. A little penetrating oil and maybe some heat from a propane torch would help also.
Lock two nuts and two sets of vise grips on the stud. Wiggle it back and forth by the vise grips to heat the lock tight then when it moves a bit then use a wrench to remove it the rest of the way.
You don't really have to replace the studs, but if you are..

Lock two nuts and two sets of vise grips on the stud. Wiggle it back and forth by the vise grips to heat the lock tight then when it moves a bit then use a wrench to remove it the rest of the way.
I'd use every option you have:

Shock the stud by hitting it with a mallet or hammer and piece of wood.
Let it soak with penetration oil over night
Apply light heat to the HEAD(not the stud). Heat will make the head expand. Try not to directly heat the stud, so it will not expand. the head should expand more/faster anyway, being aluminum.
Then use the nut(locked or welded) to loosen.

I can't imagine it not coming loose doing all of this at once...
hell id just use a pipe wrench on it. assuming you already have one. screw buying a stud extractor.
Alright so I did put some penetration lube on it last night.

So I'll try and tap each one with a hammer, throw some heat on it, and pipe wrench idea. If it doesnt work then I'm going to weld a nut onto each stud
I tried a pipe wrench and it just didn't grip tight enough. those stud extractors bite well enough into the stud that you don't have to worry too much about it, getting the damn thing off of the stud is another story however.
why is it worth risking stripping out the aluminum threads, braking the bolts when trying to take them out considering you are having a hard time removing them. you have everything to lose and nothing to gain from this unless there is more to the story or I have missed something here. you may end up having to drill out, and install a helicoil, are the bolt comprimised in anyway?

just my 2 cents here, best of luck to you, all the previous suggestions by the fellow beullers to remove are good ones, I just do not see the need to remove them.
I just do not see the need to remove them.

[up] Ive given up on arguing that. Ive had my engine apart twice and reused the studs. There is this misconception that they are torque to yield studs but they really arent. Ive given up on trying to convince people of that.