Not picking up any new project this winter. Picking up another motorcycle next fall for a winter project, hoping for a gsxr750, possibly a 636.
This winter though, I've got some unfinished projects I need to take care of. First is making this thing work properly. My wife bought it for me for $150, in awful shape, nothing close to working. I cleaned the whole thing up, rebuild the motor, replaced all the bearings, replaced the stock top end with a 70cc kit, mikuni vm20 carb, new pipe, new wheels, seat, bars. Awesome to ride, but I only had it running about 3 times before it stopped running. I need to figure what it's problem is and hopefully have it running by next spring. My wife is super into mopeds so it'll give me a chance to get out with her more....
This is my wife's old GS500. I rode it for a few months before I found the XB, but we're gonna sell it this spring so I need to finish cleaning it up 3 thing to be done are find out why the choke doesn't work(have to turn up the idle to start it, then it runs fine), give it a matching paint job, probably jut black to keep it simple, and last is to finish up the tail swap. It's a little rough at the moment, but with some filing, grinding, drilling, painting, fiberglassing, and some general cleanup I'll make it presentable to be sold.
Last is my basement. I put up some wall last fall/winter to take away some of that city dungeon feel, but this winter it's gonna get a real floor, possibly a better ceiling, and I'm gonna replace the cheap benches I've been using with some real work benches, not to mention just clean the whole thing up in general....