Anyone else poked in the eye by footpeg?

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2012
So I was trying to put my stock muffler back on only to realize that the Buell Racing exhaust's rear aluminum mount (the half-moon thing) is thicker than the stock one. And I sure didn't want to drain the oil just to remove that stupid oil line that goes right through the mount.

While trying to put the racing muffler back on, I got poked in the eye...twice... by that nipple thing on the end of the rider footpeg. That really hurts.

I must have been doing it the wrong way: the rear muffler band nuts were all but impossible to get back on. I finally decided to thread the nut first, and THEN squeeze the rear bands over the muffler. It worked, but I also sliced my hand on the band and got blood all over my nice white muffler.
wow, i thought i was the only guy that had that kind of luck! stop whatever ur doing and consume ample amounts of beer until u've forgotten why the f$%k ur hand and ur eye hurt or they no longer hurt :D
Unscrew the feelers. Problem solved.

The only headache that I have ever had with my bike is taking the header off no engine rotate. One thing I can tell you is take a break and have a beer like evryone else said or just leave it for a couple mins and come back and it seems to become alot easier.
Suck dude! The same eye or did you manage both?

Not necessarily off-topic, I mounted my race can using the stock mounts. Bad idea?
Should have been no diff in the rear mount. Race can shares the same dimensions as stock.
White Buell Racing muffler:

And squidbullie, just because I don't have 2091 posts like you doesn't mean I'm trolling.
Should have been no diff in the rear mount. Race can shares the same dimensions as stock.

Yeah I'm not sure. Mine has two thin aluminum plates riveted into the mount where it touches the muffler. It's possible the previous owner did this for pulley clearance, which begs the question: if the dimensions are the same as stock, there should be no pulley clearance issue.
I manage to injure myself in some stupid way about half the time I'm working on something - bike, car, house, yard - doesn't matter. I'm always careful but somehow I never see it coming. Wear eye protection! :)
Here's a thread that might explain the plates riveted on the mount...

JOEL9, thanks for those links. I love it when things start to make sense. There's usually more to a story.

My race can has "342" stamped on the top, so if I ready correctly in that badweatherbikers forum link, it's the later of at least two versions. User Xbrfirebolt never got his length question answered.

There are still a few more puzzle pieces I'll research. Forums like this are great for sharing a wealth of knowledge.

For posterity, here's the mount:


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