Anyone else's bike buzzes in higher RPMs? (4.5-6k)

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Bay Area, CA
New rider, and new-to-me bike which is an XB12SCg.

If I'm doing some spirited riding, I feel some vibrating/buzzing when taking the bike up between 4.5-6k rpm to shift.

Is this normal for our low-reving thunderstorm engines?

*note: this is particularly felt in 1st gear going into 2nd
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Thats not even high RPM and ya, they shake a lot. Try not to lug it below 2500rpm that's how to kill a Buell.

If it bugs you, try different bars or softer grips? I don't know if those little bar end weights the I-4's have would help you?
Oh doesn't bug me... just wanted to make sure that was normal and that my mounts or something else needed to be replaced.

Thanks for the info!
If I'm doing some spirited riding, I feel some vibrating/buzzing when taking the bike up between 4.5-6k rpm to shift.

an air-cooled or liquid-cooled 45 degree V-twin absolutely positively CANNOT buzz. an impossibility. it can only "vibrate" or produce rocking-couple shaking. i could dazzle you with a wide array of reasons why an engine "buzzes" and which engines in particular prone to that phenomenon but an XB engine can't and won't. if your XB is "buzzing" at a particular rpm you've got a problem needing immediate attention from someone who thoroughly knows these bikes and also knows where to look and what to look for.
If I'm doing some spirited riding, I feel some vibrating/buzzing when taking the bike up between 4.5-6k rpm to shift.

an air-cooled or liquid-cooled 45 degree V-twin absolutely positively CANNOT buzz. an impossibility. it can only "vibrate" or produce rocking-couple shaking. i could dazzle you with a wide array of reasons why an engine "buzzes" and which engines in particular prone to that phenomenon but an XB engine can't and won't. if your XB is "buzzing" at a particular rpm you've got a problem needing immediate attention from someone who thoroughly knows these bikes and also knows where to look and what to look for.

Not one for semantics but I doubt something is wrong with my bike.

Would agree that it could be “vibrating” rather than buzzing.
You doubt there is anything wrong with your bike but you created a thread asking if it was normal ? Hmmmm.

Upon further research, it could be the engine mounts... or primary chain being too tight.

Are there any other symptoms that these two issues would bring up?
quite typical for this site if you and i didn't know that. LOL

i see his "research" continues along with more questions. we might have to call in Chuck on this one.

View attachment 10502

Excuse my naivety and ignorance when it comes to motorcycles (and specifically Buells).

No need to sit on your high horse looking down on those seeking advice.

I appreciate your help either way. Thanks.
If people would list the area they're from it would help a lot. Then you would know who is around you that might be able to help or just give an opinion in person.

Right on -- added my location.

Hard to get across the problem over the internet obviously. Took a ride this morning and it definitely feels like vibration rather than a buzzing. Just a stronger vibration in the upper RPMs which are more pronounced in first gear than any other gears. I just have nothing to compare it to as I've never ridden another motorcycle, especially a 45deg V-Twin.
Another example of a "ride it, if it's broken, it will break" situation. Yeah they vibrate TONS! In the future, do some reading before you ask. And yes the valve train is loud, the trans is a bit clunkier than some other bikes, they run very hot, you must run actually good ethanol free 91 octane or higher fuel in them, they're not as fast as most other rockets, people don't know what they are, they're not worth much.... I can go on and on with all the buellism that's been public knowledge for almost ah, 30? Years
Neither of my Buell's buzz and hardly vibrate once you roll off idle. They run super smooth. My DR650 was another story. After doing some performance rework it developed an odd vibration in 4th & 5th starting around 3800 RPM. I had opened up the air box, installed a pumper carb, high flow header and Busa can. The vibration wasn't that bad but drove me nuts.

Long story short the carb was set up a little rich. After more than a few jet/needle changes and test runs I eliminated 99+% of the vibration, only have a tiny bit left at 4000 RPM in 4th and the bike is now running great. Dropped the needle one notch down from 3 to 2 , turned the idle screw in from 1-1/8 turns to 3/4 turn and dropped the main jet from 157.5 down to 147.5, (four sizes).

My Point: Fueling & timing can cause all kinds of little issues. If you're not getting anywhere with what you've tried so far maybe look at your maps and do a little tuning.
I get a Buzz each and every time I fire up my EBR. !!! So do my my neighbors and I live out in the country with no neighbors within a 1/4 mile !.:black_eyed:
Just curious, what diagnosis and or trouble shooting have you performed up to this point in time to try and pin point, identify or remedy the buzzing, vibration unnatural vibe?
Have you adjusted your clutch and primary chain?
Have you insured that shift linkage is secure?
Have you checked EVERY possible fastener to insure none are rattling?
If I recall correctly the service manual calls for a critical fastener Check every 10k. Personally I check all the fasteners i possibly can at every oil change. for a service manual

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