Anyone ever cut down some license plate LED lights?

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Feb 10, 2010
I bought a pair of these lights because I'm still trying to figure out how I want to mount my plate and turn signals. With the space being so limited under my scg tail I was thinking it would look best if I just put the plate flat on the undertail. I was going to use these lights to light it up, but they're pretty huge and I think they would bother me aesthetically. I don't know much about electronics but I couldn't imagine there needs to be that much going on in there just for an LED, plus they're pretty heavy, which makes me think some of it is just solid metal. You think I'd be able to trim some of that metal off the top of it and just paint the whole thing black, or am I likely to just destroy them by doing that??
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I think you could mill the top down some, if you could do it without making them look like a**. I have a set of lighted bolts on the Triumph, and the head is a hex socket. You just have to leave yourself some way to grasp them for the install.
Well, the price is right for an experiment. As long as you don't cut into the led itself, it should all be good. Flat black never hurt anything :D
If I would've thought it through I would've just ordered 2 sets to be safe. The only reason I'm really concerned about screwing them up is the wait time to get another from Hong Kong. I'll see how much I can cut them down this weekend.
A friend of mine has these on his gsxr, they really aren't that big, and they're waterproof, i think thats why they are heavy feeling.

Let us know how far you were able to cut them down, cause i have my plate tucked way back and you cant see it, so these would work very well.
Here's what mine look like:



I'm pretty sure I got them somewhere on Ebay? Here's a set just like them. Check out Ebay Item number: 220635368556

I've also seen similar ones at Cycle Gear (more expensive there)
Thanks 50 I should have clarified I was actually wondering where you got your blinkers? Although I will need a set of license plate lights too and they look good.
Those came from I've since gone to an integrated taillight since you couldn't see the blinkers all that well.

I've also seen these (or similar versions)at Cycle Gear...
Yeah I would like to do the integrated but they are so damn expensive for a taillight... I thought about getting some small LEDs and blocking off a section in my stock taillight but I don't know how good the visibility would be?
You could do that but the number of LED's wouldn't compare to the integrated setup plus you might be blocking some of the brake light visibility? I hear ya on the price of the integrated lights...I was lucky to find one used for $50 but ultimately had to fix it due to the previous owner grinding some of the traces on the circuit board. Thank goodness I work closely with some electrical engineers!:D I am rather happy with the results though. Way more visibility!
Tommy gun, I just integrated my turn signals last night. Just buy some spare turn signals instead of LEDs, that way you're still getting the same brightness you got out of the stock signals. It does cut down the size of your tail/brake light, but I divided them with sheet metal that was pretty glossy, so I'm hoping it still reflects a bit of the light out and maybe that smaller area will be brighter. I won't know anything until I take out the bike tonight and get to see it in the daylight, and hopefully have a friend ride behind me to tell me how visible it is.

50dro, that setup looks really good. That's pretty much exactly what I'm going for. I just want to make sure I get it set in there perfectly before I start drilling holes for the wires. I was definitely going to paint mine black, but I'll see if I can cut them down a little shorter to about the size of yours since they're not that noticable. I did see some black ones on ebay, but I couldn't pass up these ones for only $3 when all the others were $15. I'll just cut slowly so if there is something in there, I'll hopefully catch it before I cut through it.
and Tommy, I'll try to take some pictures of it tonight so you can see how it looks with the homemade setup. I got the idea from Riderdie, if look up his old posts you can see the thread he started about it to get an idea. the only thing I did different than him was use sheet metal as the dividers instead of the plastic from the old turn signals that he painted silver.
Cool thanks Upthemaiden [up] that is pretty much exactly what I was going to do. But I thought LEDs might be brighter? In fact it was Riderdie that first gave me the idea. I just could not find that post again. I would like to see those pics and hear how bright it turns out. If it is not bright enough you could always go with a clear lens with an amber bulb.
Up: I'm not sure what type of adhesive you used on the taillight but I remember reading somewhere that someone used hot-glue and it melted with the heat. I'd recommend a 2part epoxy if you're going this route.

Also...On the plate mount...I used the rear turn signal brackets that I modded and bent a bit to give me my setup. they worked out pretty nicely.

LEDs might be brighter, but I know absolutely nothing about anything electrical. I tried to make LED turn signals for my last bike and it took forever, cost me too much with how much I kept screwing things up, and in the end they weren't bright enough to use in the daylight so I tossed them out. I had a spare set of xb9 turn signals, so I knew they'd be just as bright. The other positive is that they come with all the wiring and everything. Just cut up some plastic, glue them up, and plug it in. I'm not too worried about the turn signals being bright enough. The red tail light cover is pretty thick, but the bulb already had an amber and tinted cover over it before and was plenty bright enough. I was more conscerned with making my tail light smaller, but I think it'll be ok.

I've never really liked the look of clear tail lights. If I don't like it I'll just find a pair of small turn signals somewhere, or use hand signals.

The only difficult time I came across was when I first cut the holes they turned out to be too far apart, and with the turn signal body on the back of the tail light it would've been too wide to get it in the hole in the subframe. I had to widen the holes which left a little gap on one side. I slathered it all in jb weld anyway.

50dro: what did you do with the holes that the turn signal wires used to come out of? Did you find anything good to plug them up? If I would've been more patient I could've bondoed the holes shut before I repainted it. Maybe over winter.
Ah thanks for the link. That is the one I looked at before. I will be giving this a try too. Let me know how yours comes out.[smirk]
what did you do with the holes that the turn signal wires used to come out of? Did you find anything good to plug them up? If I would've been more patient I could've bondoed the holes shut before I repainted it. Maybe over winter.

I used these little black plastic plugs that we had at work. Pretty sure you can get them at Lowes?

About LEDs: They are significantly more efficient (and cooler running) than standard bulbs so the only problem you would have is with your flasher relay. I replaced mine with one from Pep Boys specifically made for LED's for about $12. Other than that, they connect the same.