Anyone had luck welding stock headers?

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
I unboxed and installed my new pipe today. Started the bike, and noticed it wasn't much quieter than without the pipe. Started feeling around and found a bad leak coming from my exhaust wrap. Once i removed the wrap i found that my one of the header pipes was completly broken loose from the collector.

I can weld... but i only have a little gas less buzzbox mig. Anything i need to know before i zap it back together?
Have a new grinder wheel handy??:D. I've seen ppl talking about welding headers, I would weld mine if i had a crack, But I have a TIG at work.
Do you suggest i get someone with a tig to take care of it? And also can i weld these on the bike with the battery disconnected? Or am i asking for fried electrical components?

I have been building custom bobbers for years now and have always welded the hardtails in while everything is bolted to the bike... but without a gas tank. Being that the frame is the gas tank on the buell...
If its under header wrap and your familiar with weldi ng i'd say go for it. I would just suggest a TIG for the cleaner look, Unless your confident in keeping the header clean welding w.o gas. But like i said, if its wrapped up, looks wont be as vital as it being sealed.

And as far as electrical, Even if it is completely safe to leave connected (Which i'm not sure of) I still would disconnect the battery regardless. I always did that with every truck i've owned...Just incase.
If its that low down to the muffler I would not worry about sparks. But this is ME. I'm not one to weld around explosive materials or do unsafe stuff like fill up my bike smoking a cigarette, but If it was my bike and the crack was that far down away from the bike frame, I would feel confident that I would be safe but always be careful, couldnt hurt to put a wet towel over the frame while you do this.
Take the wrap off, clean it thoroughly, purge the inside with argon and weld it with a TIG welder. Personally, I'd remove the header, cut it to relieve the stress crack and re-weld it. It really depends on where it cracked and why. Was it stressed too much and cracked or something else? Crash damage?
Not sure of the reason of the crack. There is no clear indication of a crash from the previous owner. But it is totally separated from the collector. If i had access to a tig i would take care of it but as i said before i only have a gas less mig.
my missus xb9 front header broke completely clean of the collector. we put it down to it being fitted with and Scg suspension set up and the lil lady bottoming out on some of our back country roads at considerable speed.

cuase it was a complete snap we replaced the headers rather than trying to get it re aligned correctly to weld. didnt want to weld it only to find it didnt fit the headers properly.

also now tightened up the suspension a little (bike has 40000klms on it) which has helped with the bottoming out.

I know it not a great pic, but there ya go.
It can be fixed, I'd need a good stock header to make a jig from and it would probably be a 15 minute job to fix it. To do it properly, I would suggest cutting the other one loose from the collector, welding the seam between the 2 pipes and then weld the collector back on.
The fun part would be making the jig to line everything up right, bolt that one on and fix it. Making the jig would probably take a little longer though.
Well i took at wack at it with the buzzbox to see if it would hold and it did so I burnt the rest in. It's not pretty but it penetrated well and flowed pretty smooth. Its too late to run the air tonight so I'll smooth it out tomorrow and see how it looks. If it doesn't hold I guess I will just pick up another one. Wish me luck.
So I finally had a chance to take the bike for a good long ride today. Welds held up good.... The other pipe, not so well. Now i have crack about 3" long going vertically on the front pipe. I was trying to avoid swapping new headers on, but I just never have that luck.

Do the headers fit from any year/cc for these?

(03 xb9r)
The non cracked one now cracked??? Sounds really messed up. Since they were wrapped did tjeu get horribly corroded and weakened??

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