Anyone had some close calls or collisions.

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I was riding thru Big Sir and a curve sign was missing and I went into the curve too hot and the road did a fish hook and I straightened the bike up and did a emergency medium speed stop 5 feet short of going off the cliff.Ends up someone took the sign out and it was not replaced yet.My heart was at 800psi.I shut off the bike and hung out for five min.and went to the edge of the cliff and looked over.O my god !!!!!:D
Wow hula, do you live near Big Sur? That's my back yard for riding. I live in Monterey.

I had an experience in Big Sur as well. I had my gf on the back coming around a medium left hander, and the rear tried washing out. It was a close one for sure, and just like you hula, I would have slid off a cliff. The difference was, I would have taken someone else with me. I still don't know why. It didn't look like debris was in the road, and it seemed dry. It must have been oil of some sort.
I was crossing a bridge that had an intersection right at the end. I was only going 40 (35 limit) and this guy in an expedition pulls out in front of me. I hit the front hard and lock up the rear brake. I slid around his back left side and past his driver's door with about 10" to spare. Sliding is something I'm used to from dirt biking. I can't say it should have worked and I can't say it would work again. Just need to be one step ahead of all idiot drivers on the road, which is impossible.
Out ridin yesterday with my buddy who rides kaw 600. Hes leadin we go through a curve bout 35 and he hits an oil spot. He loses his ass end, whips into the curb, and lands hard in the dirt right next to the guardrail as I swerve to miss him. Thankfully he missed the rail and only ended up scrappin up his bike and breakin his wrist in two spots.

As Im pickin his bike up for him a dude on a harley stopped and said he lived across the street and we could put the bike in his garage and hed take my buddy to the hospital. Coolest thing is as I thanked him he said Always take care of your own no matter what type of bike your on.

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