Anyone heard from Trojan-Horse Racing - Adrenalin Moto -Twinshack

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
Has anyone placed and received an order recently from Trojan Horse, Adrenalin Moto or Twinshack Racing in the last month or so? I placed an order onling for an XB tensioner just over a month ago and have heard nothing from them after the initial order and payment confirmation.

I've tried calling them 2x and e-mailing them directley, through the website and through Matt's personal e-mail address or the last one I could find. Nothing.

I'm not complaining and I do not want to turn this into a negativitity thread. I like their stuff and support them when I can but I've have have a broken Buell in my shop for over a month and I am going to need to build a tensioner if I cannot get the one I paid for.

Is anyone else having a hard time reaching them? Is there anyone in or Darlington England that has seen them at the shop?

California, USA
Sorry to get off topic, but I'm just wondering why you need a springed tensioner? What's wrong with the stock version? From what I've read and heard, the springed version is cosmetic only and serves no actual purpose.
Actually no, There are several real reasons for a spring tensioner, the most compelling is the wear savings you will see on the tranny over time.

All drive belts tighten as the suspension transitions from a loaded to an unloaded state and the greater the transition the greater the tension. Anytime the rear wheel leaves contact with the pavement the belt becomes signifcantly tighter than it should.

Most xb riders wont experience this as they never get one or both wheels off th pavement but for those who do it is cheap insurance.

Another reason and the one most racers use an adjustable tensioner is it gives you the ability to change sprocket and tire sizes(within reason)and allows a variety of final drive ratios without going to a custom belt.

Even if you do not race, remember that 190 or 200 you put on your XB? Remember how it hurt your ability to pull up the front end? A new sprocket (smaller front or larger rear) will correct that.

Ahhh sh*t I got beat to it. But that's a better explanation then what I could give.
the springed version is cosmetic only and serves no actual purpose

there will be arguement, but no proof of function. I'm not convinced. But I am also not against cosmetic mods, so they are still cool:D
Even if you do not race, remember that 190 or 200 you put on your XB? Remember how it hurt your ability to pull up the front end?

No, I don't remember. I put the 190 on and can still lift the wheel just fine. the weight difference is like an oz. at most, again no real world difference.
ive ran 190's since day one and have not had any issue getting the front tire off the ground.
I know Al at ASB doesn't stock them because he doesn't recommend them. I've had a conversation with him about how they're not needed. That's all I need to not want to put one on. If you're doing ratio changes, then yeah, you'd want a spring tensioner on YOUR CHAIN.

Are you jumping your buell?

For the cost of a tensioner, you can just replace your belt after 40k miles
I know Al at ASB doesn't stock them because he doesn't recommend them

he dosnt carry any freespirits stuff.more than likely because he didnt have the money or they wanted to much for the initial order.

The stock Buell belt tensioner is designed to keep the belt under constant tension, except it doesn’t! When the suspension is completely unloaded, such as when pulling stoppies or even braking hard, the tension is increased to an alarming degree, which can actually damage belts, wheel bearings and pulley bearings. This spring loaded item is designed to maintain a tension of 10.5kg (depending on model) regardless of swingarm position and will help lengthen belt and bearing life. Utilises stock tensioner wheel.
so i guess they pulled his account for lack of sales.because the only thing he had to loose was money so i dout he dropped 2c
so i guess they pulled his account for lack of sales.because the only thing he had to loose was money so i dout he dropped 2c

I called to ask why they didn't have them in stock and if he could order one. He said he could order it for me, but he went on and on about why he didn't recommend it. So I didn't order one. I trust his judgement better than most people on this forum. Come on, he's the guy for aftermarket buell parts in the US.
Thanks for the link, but I'll keep my money in the states. Al does a great thing for the buell community and he's very knowledgeable.
Al does a great thing for the buell community and he's very knowledgeable.

true and i buy most of my stuff from them.
he just gave me some advice/info in 09 for my 09 xb
that was all wrong and cost me quite a bit of money and down time.
I love the way people who have no idea what things do or how they do them have an opinion or think they know why something does what it does. 16 replies and nobody has a clue what is going on at Trojan Horse?

As it happens after fully a month the tensioner showed up today. I'm glad they have not closed but I will not buy from them again. I went looking looking for another free spirit unit today and when you go to the free spirits website. Guess what, you get directed to a matt purdy email address through the free spirit website. Dunno. Why maybe he has the exclusive distribution rights in the euro-trash zone.

Whether you know it or not whether you appreciate it or not when you up the rear tire size you lose something in both toeque and in top end speed. If you are a big guy the 10 or 15 percent matters. Most of you may not care about 15% but think about it this way if you have a 7 inch &#%$ and had 15% more you would be 8" which would mean you would have a lot less time to spend posting on line.

I opted to increase the rear tire size to 190 and offset the change with a 26 tooth Baker aluminum front pulley. The two nearly off set each other. With the two pounds of weight I cut from the weight of the sprocket my xb will spool up faster and pull harder..
I have just been told about this forum and this thread, so thought I would register to answer a few questions.

I answer every e-mail that I receive on the same working day, but for some unknown reason a few people do not receive the replies that I send. This could be due to spam filter issues or in some cases (mostly gmail accounts) there seems to be some kind of block that means that my replies do not get through. if you have e-mailed me and don't get a reply then please don't assume that I haven't received it and try calling me on the good old telephone :) Alternatively I am an active member and sponsor at and you can always PM me from there or leave a message on our forum section there.

There were some unfortunate delays on supply of sprung belt tensioners during August and running into early September, simply because of the Italian holidays in August. Free Spirits were only closed for a week, but some of their suppliers such as anodisers were closed for the entire month of August and therefore impacted on delivery schedules.

We (Adrenalin-Moto/Trojan-Horse Racing) are the UK dealers for Free Spirits and also ship parts to the US, so if you contact them using the english language e-mail address it will come to me :) There are other Free Spirits dealers in Europe.

As for the argument regarding sprung belt tensioners. This has been argued to death on Badweather bikers, UKBEG and various other Buell forums. All I can say is that they work and they work extremely well.
YOu will get less belt breakages and importantly also less bearing failures (wheel bearings and output shaft!)
Pimp mine, looks or performance I dig it.
