Anyone removed on the VSS White Wire on a 2009 and later XB12? (White Wire Mod)

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Jan 4, 2013
There are various thoughts about the VSS (Vehicle Speed Sensor) white wire mod.

A lot of people say it's for the XB9 only, while some say it also works on the XB12.

So, question is: has anyone removed the VSS white wire on a 2009 or over XB12? (Pin 13 on the grey connector I think, not Pin 8 like the earlier models.)
On my version of ECMspy it's literally called the "white wire" and it has an on or off checkbox below it...

But I think they are wondering if anyone has done this modification with any kinda positive or negative results.. Not really just how to do it...
I haven't got ECM spy working yet, so was wondering if it made any difference to just pop out the pin..

Is there any way to subscribe to threads on here? I can't see anything and didn't realise anyone had replied!
Oh geez.... Here we go...

While he's pointing you in the right direction lunatic, I think a short explanation would help.... I remember reading that ECMspy will function on 08+ bikes but certain functions would be inaccessible (TPS reset function for one)... You can still access the ecm through it... So you could still use it as a diagnostic tool to help with certain things...
If you understand that the new "pay" (ECM Mono) version of ECMSPY works with -ALL- Buells, as stated on the official ECMSPY website at the link Ich provided, then Ich is correct. ECMSPY (Mono) does work with 2008+ Buells, and can indeed be used to switch off the Noise Abatement within that software.

The link that Lunatic provided as a counter-argument to Ich's post regarding ECMSPY's ability to work with 2008+ X-bikes specifically mentions the OP providing copies of ECMSPY software to others, a dead giveaway reference to the older free/legacy version of ECMSPY which does -NOT- work with 2008+ X-bikes.

In summary-

-- ECMSPY Mono and Tunerpro can both be used for tuning -ANY- production Buell motorcycle. ECMSPY Mono is pay-to-play, Tunerpro can be used at no cost.

-- The legacy ECMCPY (I believe version 1.27 was the last distributed release) can be used for tuning 2007 and earlier Buells. It was not developed to support 2008 and newer Buells.
I have the older legacy version of ECMspy myself ... but I also have an 03 xb so it was designed for those bikes when they were in production (from my understanding) ...

ALSO .... Thank you for that clarification and information Tork ... That cleared up A LOT of confusion for me as well ... [up]