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Think about this. How much 87 Octane is pumped into your tank before the 91 pushes all the way threw the hose. Not a big deal on a 15 gallon tank but on a 3 gallon tank :(.
^^ Iv thought of that also. Makes me want to waste $.50 of gas on the ground before I start to fill my tank...

Also this guy amazes me.

I think I know how much. Just the other day I tried to get gas a place that apparently was out of 91. I pushed the button and it began to pump. It put maybe an ounce in(maybe less) and stopped. I was very surprised how little went in. I don't know if that is a proper example, but I'd like to think that it is.
Anyone know if gas pump hoses have a drainback feature that would alleviate the issue of everyone else's leftover 87 going into your spendy 93? I just don't know if that's a standard thing. I hope it is, but....

for humor,
Thaloc, I almost didn't click it, but that's probably the most original music I've heard in a while. [up]
Ya, people will see "beat box" and think just rap/hip hop and not click it, but they will be missing out. That guy has talent, its amazing what a person can do when they recognizes their own skill and have the tools to share it with the rest of us.
Diggin' the Dub FX vids, the dub-step beatboxers don't get enough love.
One of my favorite live looper/FXrs. Beardyman "303/gabba" trans on the fly.
that look he give that guy at the 1:00 mark is priceless. "you want some gabba? DONE" the best part of it is these tracks shouldn't beatmatch AT ALL and he makes it happen seamlessly.

There are an insane amount of unknown Artists within the EDM (electronic dance music) World. Some of the most beautiful voices and intricate song writing since the classical greatness of Bach or Mozart. But most people don't listen to it. It's for the young, it's for the gay's and lesbians, it's for druggies, ect ect ect. If you take even modern rap and hiphop, alot of the sounds and scratching techniques and synths being used by the super stars of the rap world ran their course and are now passe within the EDM world. All the voicebox effects like T-pain uses and lil wayne from time to time emerged from dance music, alot of beatboxers and i'm sure this DubFX guys run side by side with turntablism, Rhazel even did a few tracks with DNB legend Roni Size almost a decade ago. These guys aren't super famous and getting contracts because most people don't give them the time of day, or the just don't understand. My best friend produces, his love is DNB and dance music, he also makes alot of hiphop and rap. The hiphop and rap tracks he sells fund his true love of dance music. just the way the cookie crumbles.

Oh and that guy is amazing!
I really cant count how many times in the last couple days iv watched those two videos. I love all his music, but those two.... Man, indescribable. I love that line "Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones"
I really cant count how many times in the last couple days iv watched those two videos. I love all his music, but those two.... Man, indescribable. I love that line "Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones"
Well you'll Love this then. You can listen to EVERY song on both his CD's Here or Purchase them like I did. (Right side of the page)

Edit: Sorry Dave, I'll stop now. ;)
Edit: Sorry Dave, I'll stop now.

No need to apologize, this is just a BS entertainment thread. Thanks for posting that link, I was trying to find a place that had good quality songs by dub fx to listen to.
Here's something that made me laugh this morning. My co-worker has this song "Rockin the Beer Gut" as a ring tone.

Even if you don't like country, it'll make you laugh. You definitely know a girl out there rockin' a beer gut.