Arron's (DeltaOne's) Bike

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
I just found out through his sister that his bike is in peices....... I dont know the extent of it , but I do know his dad is worried about being able to get it back together properly. She is going to talk to her dad about possably keeping the bike around for his son to enjoy when he grows up. Just thought I would throw this out there in case any local Buellers could help out if the need arises.
Count me in for some volunteer work, I got all the tools needed, and im mainly off work til the middle of may, just hodge podge jobs and my house, but those can all be moved to the side when im needed....

Plus, im only a 1hr drive, and im in the grand rapids area at least once a week....
Man I wish I closer! I would be over in a heartbeat helping to put his bike back together for his son! If you guys need parts or rather funds for parts - let me know and I'm sure I can contribute a few dollars here or there. I don't have any spares right now.

+1 for a worthy cause!
where is the bike located? i could be down for a trip this spring or summer to help out.
Wish I lived closer, I'd go over with some tools and see if I could get the bike back together for him. Maybe some local guys could meet there one day and go at it.
Anyone that wants to offer help needs to contact his sister (Delta's Sister) via Pm on here of on FaceBook. Plus anyone that Knows why his bike was apart.....that info could help.
PM sent.

I know how this is sudden, I lost my Dad suddenly a few months back and I had alot of people come to my aid, even people I didn't know very well. So its time I spread the karma back around and do my deed in anyway I can...
If only I lived closer!

I have a ton of stuff from his bike that me and him swapped. I know he was getting ready to over haul it. I know he has new ASB both scoops and oil cooler (I know cause I bought his old stuff lol). He also got new ASB frame pucks, new LED turn signals and was doing a handle bar swap. He was taking off his LSL stabilizer and installing a GPR instead. Wasn't sure how he was going to do that because he has the 1 1/8" bar adapters and clubmans.

If I can think of anything else that he wanted to do I'll post.

jammer, if you could use some help let me know. im really only free on weekends though. i have a good assortment of tools as well.
Thank you all for jumping at the chance to help us. He and his bike were involved in an accident a few months back and some of the parts were shot after that. Feel free to look me up on facebook. Just search my name; Aubrie Pedelty.

My family and I appreciate all of you reaching out to help support us.
Pm imbound.
I had him here sevral times and we worked on his bike togther.
I will send u a messsage even come and pick it up bring it here and assmble it stablize the gas oil cylinders for a long bout of storage if you would like.

Right now we can't legally do anything to it because it isn't ours yet. It's still his. When the time comes I will get back to everyone who is willing to help. Feel free to message me, like I said above, to let me know if you want to be contacted to help when the time comes.

Thanks again,
Bike was taken apart so he could send me the parts for powdercoating. No issues that Im aware of. We had a few nice ideas going.
I will offer free custom paint. I have some assembly knowledge and will help when time comes if I am needed as well. I have tools and plenty of time.
He mentioned to me he thought the swing arm was jacked from when he laid it down, but wasn't positive.

I have talked to Aubrie, and she said she would like to help in the build, so I am assuming she would like somewhere close. I know she goes to college about 8mi from me so I figure it would be a perfect chance for her to help build her big brothers bike back up.

I have a local powder coat shop that I can have everything done right down the road and then assemble the bike at my place.

My garage is open for the cause when ever need be.
Hey Aubrie, i dont mean to sound demanding, but if you post pictures we can help you and your dad access the damage and possibly help replace the parts.

Jammer [up] for offering a hand.