asymmetry of the headlights

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Jul 8, 2008
Does anyone run hi-beams all the time (like every Buell add) to bring symmetry to the bike? or maybe to prevent the inevitable "you have a headlight out" comment from every ricer you encounter?
I run the hi beam on most of the time. It should definitely have high and low beam together in both lights for sure. It would look so much better. Why they don't run that set up is beyond me.
You can run them both at the same time by swapping wires in the head light plug. Its very easy to do and gives you a lot more light.
Hey Gator, you got a little bit more insight into that? Let's pretend I'm stupid and I need a walkthrough, but just pretend...:p Would greatly appreciate it. To all you Buellers that get the headlight out comment, Isn't it funny that everyone that rides a Japper expects us to know everything about their bikes, but they don't know **** about ours? If we can't quote back their bikes specs to them, we're not real bikers. Yet they don't even know that our buells only run one headlight at a time, low or high....
yAy Gator, thank you....woohooo, now I can see everyone!!!!
I keep my high beam on most of the time, unless i'm riding with other bikers. The high beam gets in they're mirrors sometimes.
fido, that sticker would look less noticable when place behind the see-through flyscreen ;)
The thing is, I have to have it in a highly visible spot, if you don't have it on your vehicle, you can't get on post anymore without an O3/E8 escort...besides, I bet none of you guys have a wicked gay sticker like that mandated by your work....
lmfao the "your headlight is out" comment has to be my biggest pet-peeve when im riding... Ive had cars flag me down just to tell me my head light was out... I dont kno who is more embarrassed, me or the person telling me... lol geez :p
I don't think it's wicked gay, it means your a soldier. There's nothing that makes me prouder than knowing I spent a year in Iraq leading the best fire team earth has ever seen, hunting downs the bad guys. Thanks for serving.
I appreciate that, and your service as well. I'm slotted to go sometime around the end of 09. I'm going to Germany in March 09, I'll be deploying from there with the 2nd SCR.
Is it your first deployment? I joined the army straight out of high school in 2000, left for Iraq in nov of 03 and got back nov of 04. Germnay is awesome!!! I was on leave there for two weeks on leave from Iraq, GO TO OKTOBERFEST. Consider it an order. ;) I had the time of my life there. Hook up with a local and they will help you get into a good tent, that's where the real party's at.
Yea my first deployment, probably not the last though, looks like I'll be a career soldier. I joined Sep 05 and my ETS isn't until APR 2012. My wife has been to germany before so I've got a tour guide. I just can't wait to get there and deploy, because when I get back.....1125R!!! Nice little reward for myself.