squidbuellie Well-known member Premium Member Joined Jan 26, 2011 Messages 2,048 Aug 4, 2011 #48 the squidbuellie #1
F frostedflakejake Well-known member Joined Jul 14, 2010 Messages 279 Aug 4, 2011 #54 FrostedFlakeJake #1
V vanson1200r Well-known member Joined May 25, 2009 Messages 509 Aug 4, 2011 #56 Vanson1200r #2 I hope I have my days right. I live in San Diego but I'm deployed right now and I'm about 13 hours behind you guys back in the good ol U S of A.
Vanson1200r #2 I hope I have my days right. I live in San Diego but I'm deployed right now and I'm about 13 hours behind you guys back in the good ol U S of A.