Back at it again... Bike warm start issue.

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After a bit of research on this forum ive seen picture with people that has the same style that i have. and it looks like all the clamps are stock on the fuel lines. Just crazy to see such a clean 05 pump, to bad the motor seems to be going out. i ordered a rebuild kit from john i just hope he sent off the correct parts for this style pump.
After a bit of research on this forum ive seen picture with people that has the same style that i have. and it looks like all the clamps are stock on the fuel lines. Just crazy to see such a clean 05 pump, to bad the motor seems to be going out. i ordered a rebuild kit from john i just hope he sent off the correct parts for this style pump.

found this thread with a picture of a pump that is exactly like mine. Edit: i guess in 2005 some models had the earlier version of the pump assembly and 2005 on had the newer model that had the regulator on the filter. Good news is that it seems to be the same pump, every thing else can be setup with normal fuel filters and such. Just wished i had pulled this part before i bought a rebuild kit just off year alone... just my luck...

Last edit and update: its about 1 am and i got johns rebuild kit. It looks like everything was interchangeable except a few fuel hoses. But long story short hesitated on the initial startup but them after a rough start she purred like a baby tiger. took her for a quick drive and fill up to test her out and see if she would leak. Ran like a baby gazelle hopped up on redbull, and no leaks. The moment of truth was the restart after warmed and sitting for a min or 2, and it fired up before the engine could turn over once! Def worth the swap, i had to drop the swing arm in mine because of where the reg was sitting. The biggest difference is the sound of the pump. After hearing when a healthy pump sounds like im surprised my bike ran at all... Cant wait to take her for a proper ride tomorrow, don't want the neighbors pissed at me with that dnd exhaust at 1 am.
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i guess in 2005 some models had the earlier version of the pump assembly and 2005 on had the newer model that had the regulator on the filter.

Last edit and update: its about 1 am and i got johns rebuild kit. It looks like everything was interchangeable except a few fuel hoses.
the kit shipped to you was for your 2005 model XB. was not told it was sporting a 2003 model year pump.

someone had previously installed a 2003 pump on your 2005 XB.

the 2003 pump is 2003 model-year ONLY. easily identified by twin rubber fuel pressure lines...twin metal mounting tubes for mounted pressure plastic coupler to house the pressure filter and bushings.

many of the rebuild parts interchange between all year pumps.

talk on this site regarding V-6 mustang pumps interchanging and blah blah blah. that is the pump DRIVE MOTOR ONLY. nothing more.

1-you've incurred some fueling problems...lots of key on/off scenarios which signals the ECM for "cold-start-mode" adding additional fuel load...lots of engine cranking. replace the spark plugs! NGK DCPR8EIX is stock heat range iridium...9 is one heat range colder. i run 9's but 8's are great.
2-contrary to internet bull****, the 2003 pump is a very good piece. the pressure lines are's simple and straight-forward and easily rebuildable...very reliable and nicely designed. they could be prone to cavitation under extreme riding conditions and known for chafing of the positive feed wire-to-housing...but easily rectified. they remain very nice units.

glad it all worked out nicely for you.

attached pic is 2003-only fuel pump. many noticeable differences.
2003only pump.jpg
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