Bad Day, but lucky!

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2012
Hamilton NJ
Today was a nice and the woman went for a ride. (she rides a ninja 250r and I got a xb9sx) We were on our way to a kinda local cycle gear (she just got a part time job there and had to hand in paperwork) and then off to the twisty back roads....but our trip was stopped short. We were about 20 miles from home and a impatient driver decided to change lanes and cut her off at 40mph. She tore up the focus pretty good and her bike slid to a stop 2 lanes away. I was stuck watching the whole thing, she likes to lead...long story short, shes only got a compound fractured thumb/ monday,sprained ankle and fractured index finger other hand....her 250 dubbed "ruby" is missing some pieces, pegs, etc., hopefully i can fix it. I was shaking until now to type it to you guys, shes home and laughing a to come....another addition to gear up! I never thought at 35 something would scare me as that did!

Ive seen my girl when she first started to ride lock up brakes slide into the middle of the intersection cause she wasnt paying attention, a few times. Scared the **** put of me. Last thing i wanna see is her getting plowed by a truck. Only thing that plows her is me!

I have her call/text when she gets to work and home, that way i know her commute went safely. Shes had some close/funny clls since she started riding to work everyday. But shes definitely a much better rider from a year ago when she started.

Glad shes ok, hope she keeps riding!
She says thanks....and she will be back on 2 wheels....but i might gift her a dream bike this time.....just gotta find out how to lower a ducati lol....or a new bolt
thanks fish...she loved the linkage you made for me....i was gonna send you a request for her bike, but we will see what comes of it now....she just went to bed....shes in such good spirits...i love this woman...
Glad to hear she is ok. Gear is everything. I can't believe some states don't even have helmet laws. Also good to hear she is going to keep riding.
Wow tell her to get well soon. If you would have hit that focus with the buell the focus might be totaled. Doesn't it suck when people buy cars with names of things they cant seem to do. IE Dodge= they cant dodge motorcycles, Caviler= theres nothing caviler about there drivers, Escort= really what would you escort groceries to the house, Escape= escape what its slow, Fiesta= I'm not even going to go there, Focus= they dont focus on motorcycle riders as seen above. :D
It's scary... I watched in my rearview mirror as my girl lowsided through a turn and slid into a big lifted dodge truck.... pretty sure it's rear wheel went over her foot (as he bike slid into it's front tire). She couldn't tell, but it looked like it, and her calf was bruised up... thanks for Sidi boots, feet were fine. Just a some LIGHT scrapes on knees/shoulder/elbows.

Even better... I had my GoPro facing backward... so I have it on video :/

Her bike was totaled (shift shaft snapped the lower portion of the motor open as it slid into the dodge), and the dodge went away on a wrecker w/ $3,000 in damage.

It's my fault... I knew we should've replaced the (semi)old tires. And now she holds herself accountable. Although she was VERY nervous about riding again (even more when the time came)... she's back to enjoying it now, and a LITTLE more cautious. Not that she needs to be, but it doesn't hurt either.
Even better... I had my GoPro facing backward... so I have it on video :/

proof or it didnt happen :D

on a real note, glad she is ok man! Hopefully you both can turn this into a learning experience... although she may not have been at fault, there is always something you can do differently (unless a car magically appears from a time portal unexpectedly and there is just no stopping it in time.) :D

Tell her to rest and heal up quick, but not to fear the machine if/ when she gets back on.
Thanks Guys! We are off to surgery for her thumb/ wrist weds. The insurance company is working with us great, but the specialist office couldnt give a damn about her hand, they just want to secure who is paying. She is walking around a bit now, sore...hopefully after surgery tomorrow she will be on the road to recovery. She isnt into the whole suing thing as long as she gets better and her bike gets fixed. We are in NJ and still waiting on the police report, its creeping in my mind about a lawyer. Oh and on a side note, the cops who were the last ones to get there (3 cars) were assuming she was in the wrong(speeding/sportbike/ reckless) until witnesses and then I all had the same story the talked to us all seperate.
I have been riding 35 years, never had a serious bike accident before,,, fell off a few times, did some stupid things. but nothing like this at all. My advice however is you SHOULD strongly consider getting an attorney. I
DO NOT believe in accidents as an income opportunity. let me state it again, I DO NOT think a wreck means a big payday.
But i can tell you from what i have been told by lots of people over the years, including many who did or used to work in the Insurance industry. The insurance companys are NOT your friends. Even your own Insurer. Their business model revolves around paying out the least and minimizing expense.
Studys show,, that even giving up 30% (standard) or even a negotiated 20% to an attorney you still end up with a better settlement that if you tried to do this yourself. A local guy in our Norton vintage bike club is also an attorney and was clobbered by a driver,, he got the run around himself from the insurance companys...
Police generally dont take the side of bikers, just the facts, I can tell you many storys, but in my case the police have been awesome, I couldnt ask for better, but it helps the person who hit me was drunk and theres no shortage of outrage over what she did. Ill send you a PM about some resources you should read... make your own decision. but be careful what you say and who you say it too... the insurance companys are going to be very eager to do recorded statements and get this done before you have an attorney involved. Im not going to say an attorney is perfect for you or you end up with a good one. But its something you should look into and soon, rather than later. dont rule anything out until then.
in the meantime, stay safe and appreciate how lucky both of you are. I personally am very thankful myself each morning i wake up. Several people have told me i have now 2 birthdays. my regular one and the day i cheated death. The percentage of people who survive what i went thru is less than 1%, you gys are lucky as well, Dont forget it. I know friends who have died in wrecks at 25mph, Best of all, you survived.:)
Thank you! todays surgery they deemed her thumb was dislocated and the joint was shattered. After being under for 6 hrs, they got her screwed, plated and pinned. 3 to 6 weeks recovery and in 6 months possibly another surgery. Yea that did it....we are calling some reinforcements tomorrow. Internet Annoyance thanks for the advice, it makes sense after the cost of todays surgery and knowing it isnt close to being over.
Lawyer was here today....looks like the police report was as good as i is good but i dont care, i just want to ride again with her now!
Internet annoyance is right on! I investigate accidents for the Federal Government and his advice is solid! Good luck!
Good to hear, Time is the great healer. Best wishes for your situ and hers.

Im in the same boat. Wife took all the bikes keys she knew about and doesnt want me riding, but that day is coming. My recovery is long and slow as well. The experts say "Give ti a year" seems crazy but everyone says it.
by then you will know what you are stuck with and how much you recovered from. There is no such thing as %100
recovery, in your older years this is something that will effect/affect you. So best you can hope for is %95

ride safe, watch your mirrors and always plan your escape and be prepared for a crash. Hope for the best while planning for the worst.