Bar end mirror fix

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2009
Just after buying my CR I realized I didn't like the stock mirrors. I bought a pair of CRG 4" bar end mirrors and like a dummy went about installing them without asking any questions. It didn't help the dealer didn't tell me you can buy bar end adaptors and simply clamp the CRGs to them. So, what did I do? I sawed about an inch off the throttle tube so I could clamp the bar end mirrors to the handlebars. I then cut off a similar length on the left side grip and then installed the mirror on that side. They worked fine and looked OK, but by cutting the throttle tube, the grip was shorter. With gloves on I would bump into the CRGs and couldn't downshift and brake at the same time.

I eventually discovered CRG makes a bar end slider/adaptor combination, you simply insert it into the handlebar and tighten it down. Theres a slot on the part to accept the CRG mirror clamp. I had to order a new throttle tube and a pair of new grips (Progrip, favored by Troy Bayliss). They have a good look to them with red cutouts, ties in with red bits on the bike. I installed it all and took some pictures. I had taken pictures before so you can now see the before and after.

On another subject I installed what is one of my most favorite upgrades on any bike: a Leo Vince EVO titanium slip on exhaust on my Ducati 999R. We are talking top quality and the sound is the reason why I wanted one so bad these last several years. A buddy of mine installed a Leo Vince full system on him 999R full carbon bike 5 years ago and I still remember the exhaust note. I thought some of you would appreciate a picture of it on my "other" bike. Too bad Buell didn't stick around long enough for Leo Vince to design a system for it. I know if they did it would be out of this world. The workmanship on the silencer is second to none, I'm really happy with it.

First picture is the old CRG install when I cut the throttle tube. The following show the Prog grips and new install with the CRG adaptor/slider (you can see the red slates in the grips, they look good). The last pictures are of my 999R and the Leo Vince titanium exhaust.
I've added another picture or two of the old install because the first pics were obscured by print advertisement

I'll know next time to shrink the photos further so they'll fit.
nice man looks alot better. Got a link to those bar end adapters? I have the same mirrors but only have on on the left side because i did not want to cut up my grips.
I bought them from

One minor thing I ran into to. On the throttle side handlebar tube there is another tube inside of it and inch or more from the opening. This prevents you from inserting the CRG adaptor completely, however, enough is in there to keep the adaptor secure. I don't know why Buell did that, likely for support on the throttle side because the clutch side handlebar has no obstruction inside at all.
Thanks for the complement on the carbon fiber cover under the gauge cluster. I had this custom made by a cf guy back East. It really is one of the nicer cf upgrades out there. He could have made it in colors like blue, red or silver. I've seen silver carbon fiber against white bodywork and does that look awesome.

I went ahead and bought a spare cowling in the event someone wanted the part. The cowling is used as a mold. I believe he quoted in the neighborhood of $165 for the part. On thing is for sure, it is a one of a kind piece, nothing like it in the world today.
No need to shrink the photos, just hit enter twice after posting each photo and it will display them vertically.

I have not yet installed my carbon you sent me. I am waiting to buy some thermo tec. Have you noticed a problem with your heat shield?
I ordered a cheaper e-bay set of those bar end mirrors... I'm going to try to mount one between the left grip and the hand guard using the longer spacer for the hand guard. The set I have on is just a little sub-par in the vision dept, my arms are in the way.

Old pic with the clubman bars:

see how there is a space between the grip and guard: I can make the space bigger with a different adapter:

I noticed a slight discoloring around the bottom attachment bolt and I can attribute this to when I recleared the piece to fix it. There was a small spot with no clear on it so I shot a couple to three coats of clear and sanded between coats. The clear I used has no specs listed for heat resistance whereas the manufacturer routinely makes heat shields for other bikes without issue. The second contributing factor in my opinion is the fact the heat shield is lying horizontal, not vertical like 99% of other bike heat shields. The intense heat from the exhaust rises, so it rises directly into the heat shield. I decided to thermo tec a shield I sent out after I discovered the discoloration just as a precaution that is why I recommended you do the same. Its not likely anything will happen to yours, but I think the Thermo Tec is a good idea and besides it will protect the part that much more from the heat. Anytime from now on I'm going to Thermo Tec the exhaust shields although the manufacturer made two of them for me in the past for Ducatis I owned without a problem. I'm going to sand mine down and reclear it, I'll then put Thermo Tec on the back and be done with it. I think this will also keep the part looking brand new dispite the intense heat its subjected to.
I'd have those things busted off in one trip to work...

Makes the bike WAY...too wide. Stock mirrors...may not look cool, but they work (after a little work) and....are not in the way.
Just my thoughts.


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