barend mirrors

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Dec 16, 2009
im looking to buy my guy some barend mirrors for his 1125cr for christmas. but i dont even know where to start. is there a specific size i need or something. help me out please.
I highly recommend the CRG folding bar ends. You'll have to buy their adapter kit, which is compatible with many different sizes. The total will be around $200, but they are the very best you can get.
+1 on the CRGs. I bought the 4" size over the 3". However, the 4" conflicted with Oberon bar end turn signals I wanted to install. I'm returning the Oberons and buying a pair of LED turn indicators by Rizoma. They are called "zero" and have a killer design. I'll mount them in a perfect spot, the headlight cowling and the connectors are just inches away from the turn signals.
YA dont reaaly need to go that expensive.. but its up to you how much ya want to spend.. but I got some folding ones of ebay for $50 AUS and they r great. fully adjustable and dont move. Come with 3 different size inserts to fit different bars. They r really good quality also.
Didn't cost me that much for the CRGs, not even close. Check out Motowheels, thats where I bought them. I had to cut the outer grip on the throttle side so the mirror clamp wouldn't jam the throttle grip.
i like oberons and rizomas more than crg
the crg LOOK like the cheap ones i got from cyclegear
but the folding ones ARE handy
JohnnyS999...... I was meaning the $200 set that DaveXB12r was talking about, I was sayin that just look around on ebay and on sites that people recomend and you can pick them up for cheap. I like the CRG ones also..!!!
Motrax (English Co., I think) makes good quality ripoffs of just about everyone's bar end mirrors. I have the CRG lookalikes, 3" round, and they are great. But they make Rizoma style as well as Oberon style.
Rizoma, Oberon and CRG are all top of the line, excellent quality sets. Ka-CHING!!! if the bike tips over, though!
Oh, looking at your post again... a CR... he will need turn signal indicators to replace the ones on the back of his stock mirrors if you get him bar ends.

And so the snowball begins!
Those look like the really nice mini-indicators that have an orange tip you can see from the side and rear, yes? Looks great (the background doesn't hurt, either, he said, looking out the window in Maryland at a HUGE BLIZZARD raging!)
Fahren.. Yeah they're the ones.. really bright also and have a flexi rubber stem to stop breakage from accidental bumps.
Lol.. yeah its bloody hot here at the moment.. 38 deg celcius, no better place to be than the beach. Got em off ebay for $24.00 AUS for a set of 4.. cheap as.. and decent Quality... I like to go cheap at first, and if they dont work or look crap, then go for the more expensive ones.
Hey jonnies999. Where'd ya get that tach?? Friggen sweet! Oh yea, got the same^^^^ roomate had an extra 1, he said they were like 20$. It's perfect

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