Barkers on a cr !?

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
So i called this dealer today they have this cr that im about to get, asked him few question, if anythig was done to the bike, he didnt know anything, all he knew was that it had a barkers exhaust and a power comander? [confused] power commander ?? Is it possible that a buell could have a power commander!!!!?? And hows the barkres exhaust on the cr does it sound good, increase of hp or something ??
There was/is a powercommander for a Buell 1125, I have never used one so cannot comment on it other than its a piggy back fueling/tuning device.

Barkers is a good aftermarket exhaust for 1125's with a decent increase in hp look and sound. I would journey on over to they did a side by side test of most exhaust systems available.
So what should the pros and the cons for a power comander on a buell be ?
Cooter did you remap your ecm
power commander is basically like remapping the ecm to accommodate the aftermarket exhaust.

Most of us just tune the stock buell ECM's or when EBR was still up purchased a EBR tuned ECM
Oh ok i got it, so if it has the power commander it doesnt have to have tuned ECMs, whats better? Finding a EBR tunes ecms or power commander or tune the stock ECM!?
Tune via tuning the stock ECM or getting the "tuned" EBR is much better IMO than a power commander. From my knowledge, the power commander cannot change the maps the engine will run on, but manipulates the "input" data to the ECM to get more or less fuel.
Personally I like tuning, so the stock ecm with a tune was fine for me.

But there is nothing wrong with the power commander if the bike is running good.
I belive gotta have to tune the stock ecm, want to do my best for the bike and also want to put my hands on it and in the main time to learn new things for the future bikes,i think with some help of you guys and the forum i could probably do something, i just dont want to pay some guy to do that for me, i learned the lesson Two years agowhen i sent my zr7 to the mechanic to change exhaust [down]they put 150$ worth used pipe and the invoice came up to 650$$$ with labor and everything, i will never do that again lol