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Nov 9, 2008
Hey guys need your help! My bike wouldn't start on my way out of school today. It sounded like a dead battery bc it did the attempt but can't even turn over. tehn was dead completely. Is there a chance it could be the starter? To be honest I don't know what those are like when they go. I just want to make sure before i go out and buy a new battery tomorrow morning. I was about to take a 5.6 mile hike home when I caught the one person i know in this city driving. I got lucky.
If your starter didn't turn over, and then the bike wouldn't turn on at all, then it's most likely your battery. Put it on a trickle charger and see if that solves your problems.

I wouldn't freak out about a screwed starter motor until you've ruled out the more simple answers. I wouldn't even go buy a new battery until you know that you didn't just drain the one you already have.

Good luck.
Thanks, I tend to agree, but its stuck at the school so its not like I really have great access to it to play whenever i want ya know? How long do the batteries last on these things? its never been replaced. its an 04 almost 12,000 miles and i ride it several times every day. also how much do batteries cost from harley?
how much do batteries cost from harley?
Bought one awhile back. Believe it was $100+. A lot, but they're considered the best for the amps needed from our V-twin bikes.
How long do the batteries last on these things?

To get 3 years out of a motorcycle battery is pretty good, so I'd say you are well overdue.

My sportster had to have a new one every other year... but that was a solid mounted v-twin. Shook the hell out of the battery.
Mispost on that last keystroke there!!
Check your battery connections drifting...sometimes a simple fix...
Hope this works for ya..

Normally I would agree wholeheartedly with that statement, but not in this case.

That could potentially be a simple fix to get him home, but riding on a battery that is 5 to 6 years old is asking for trouble. Lead acid batteries are just not designed to last that long, especially in a high-heat, high-vibration environment.

Just my 2c, but the price of a new battery sure beats the hell out of hiking home.
I had to buy a motorcycle battery from Wal Mart when on my dad's Wing at 2300 on Sunday night took a **** on me. That battery ended up lasting 3 or 4 years in a GL1500 Goldwing which is notorious for eating batteries for lunch. That and it only cost about 40 bucks in 1999 or 2000. You definitely don't want to buy a battery in Germany. The cheapest I found for my 06 Triumph Sprint ST was 90 euros, 130 bucks. It was just over two years old and about 14000 miles. It now has 23000 miles. My 09 Uly now has 2400 miles on it.
Ok, yesterday i got a new battery (not from harley) and its great. I figured it needed a new one anyway. Supposedly its a good one or something. All i know is it works, though it doesn't fit exxxaacctttllllyyyy the same as the old one. Thanks for the input guys.

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