Beware of Motomummy

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
I forgot to post this a few days ago. Please read and beware of what you get when you purchase from them:

To whom it may concern,

I don't know how you guys expect for the customer to know that this is where we go for returns, there isn't even a return option in the drop down menu above which further proves my point that this was not clear. With that said I DO NOT appreciate the attitude I received today from the young lady that answered the phone as if I was an idiot for actually calling your customer service for a return, which is the standard for most companies. In any event, the info you requested is below:

I ordered shorty C5 levers from Motomummy for my 2009 Buell SCG. Thats 2009. The brake lever i received was for 04-08, part number BRC530-SK. The only reason I realized this was because it shook like a leaf while riding. I checked it out on my Buell forum and was told to remove those immediately as 04-08 brake levers on the +09 bikes have been known to lock the front brake and throw the rider into a slide/fall. I still can not believe this error took place. Your website does not even list a part for an 09, it simply says "XB12 all years". Motomummy should seriously look into that before someone gets hurt or killed.

The part I should have receieved was BRC520-SK. I called motomummy after finding this out and you were already closed so I proceeded to call ASV in California directly. They confirmed that the lever I was sent was incorrect and offered to send me a new one which they did....a week later which is totally uncceaptable but whatever, water under the bridge. When I finally recieved the lever i noticed that it is a BRC520F, not a BRC520 like they said I would get, and i have no idea what bike that is for. I dont even see that part number on the website and the little paper inside the box does not list my bike as being one of the bikes the lever works on. Further more it came with a red adjuster when the one on my clutch lever is black and I explained this to ASV HQ when I spoke to them.

As you can imagine at this point I just want to make a full return and get my amex fully refunded. I have bought levers locally and no longer need these. Please send me the RMA info so I can ship both levers back to you and please refund my amex.

Thanks for your immediate attention to this matter, I will look for the RMA info later today.
Did you end up getting refunded?
I noticed that Buell is not even listed on the sheet that came with my levers, specifically the clutch lever. but so far so good, I am happy with them..
Yup, sure did. Just want to make sure people check the parts they get when the order them from motomummy because if what Dave said is true I could have ended up on the pavement.

I will be ordering all black full length pazzos from PJs Parts...those people are awesome.
Why not order direct from pazzo? They are also great, I just got my preload adjusters from them and they are very nice and were really quick both in communication and shipping!
I think they sent you the F3 lever instead if the C5 thus the only difference being the added F.

Just a thought. Also thanks for the heads up on the bad customer service[up]
It was a C5, that matte finish, still don't know what the F stands for but o well who cares. They gone, thank God.

As for ordering from pazzo directly I don't have a problem with that as long as they are the same price lol. The whole reason I went with motomummy was because they were $50 cheaper than ordering directly from ASV. PJs is great and I love dealing with them. Fast, accurate and cheap.

Sorry boba, they were for sale for a moment, then I realized I could use their **** up and get a full refund.
I bought my Pazzo's from Motomummy. They were priced right and I got them quick along with a free set of gel grips.

^^^One uh-oh can fawk up a ton of attaboys. If a company steps up for a screw up and fixes it without bitching they are pretty much assured my returning business, but, if I get attitude......fawk'em!

Thanks for the heads-up misternikko
Very welcome. Maybe I just caught the wrong bitch on the wrong day? What I'm more upset about is that they weren't even aware that the 09 had a diff lever. They don't even know what they are selling and risked me and my bike in the interim.

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