big Day tomorrow :) trading off the 1125r for a zx-10

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Tons of custom stuff to drop your cash into with those bikes for sure.

;) ;) ;)

Brandon posts a lowered and extended swing arm bike? Never would have guessed. :D

I think RT is getting the older body style.

I love that exhaust, but I'm pretty sure it's photoshopped.
Well all i have to say is you used a poor excuse to leave Buell, and i really wish you could have stayed. We are going to miss you as you melt into the world of jap bikes and disappear blending in with the millions of others. Good luck ninja #487352728930404936738 :)
We are going to miss you as you melt into the world of jap bikes and disappear blending in with the millions of others. Good luck ninja #487352728930404936738

couldn't agree more, went riding the other night, and a friend (has a cbr1000) got pissed because i called his bike a "cookiecutter bike" and said they all look alike and soundalike.

i said something along the lines of "the guy at the track when we were out there on his gixxer"

him "dude are you ******* dumb it was an r6!!"

"o wow, since he had full race plastics on it, forgive me, without the headlights and other features, im not able to distinguish one cookiecutter from the next, they all look alike and soundalike anyway"

all to his own though, everyone has thier own prefs. for me though i plan to keep my buell to wrench on and put some money into (when this engine blows up, not on purpose a long time from now im sure) and build a more potent drivetrain. then buy something else to go along with it, i donn't ever see myself owning an i4 OTHER THAN a fullblown track bike. just don't have a desire to ride one all the time on the street. KTM or Ducati, or an 1125, or IF SOMEDAY EBR gets his rollign off the line at around $12-15000[up]
I'm a fan the ZX10R .. got to take my buddies' for a spin and the thing scared the **** outta me [smirk]

Very smooth though .. if I was to get another Jap I-4 it would definitely be the 10r

Ride smart [up]


ok first since your all waiting here are the pics long cold ride home we got a late start 11am and just got in at 2 am.... i will answer questions next.
"o wow, since he had full race plastics on it, forgive me, without the headlights and other features, im not able to distinguish one cookiecutter from the next, they all look alike and soundalike anyway"
Maybe so, but they ride oh so bad ass. There's this left, right, left down hill sweeper I would take on my 9R at around 75 that I can take on my ZX10 at 96 with nary a thought, on the 9R I would feel some steering shake and would let up. I've tweaked the suspension on the Buell for days and it's not as smooth. Sorry to say but the cookie cutter jap bikes just have hands down better handling. I still love the looks of an XBR or S but lets face it, for aggressive riding they are limited.
goduc...stator and regulator for a jap bike no more than 250 for Both new...Buell stator 630 not sure on the oem regulator.
This is not a wear item i have had 3 this year. I called yelled screamed and begged hd care to put 08 parts in it they refused. This isn't a rare failure they all burn up in 09 and 10 1125's.
Google 2010 zx10r problems and see what you find i Did .
Now google a 2009 1125....

Trust me i ride alot tires 3 sets a year oil filter pads what ever.

Bright buell Ride 12 hours only stopping for gas to get to great twisty roads and break down three times.
2 separate rides here and lost my bike 6 days the first time 3 days the second....I bet your tune will change.
Ps i still own a 2005 xb9r But Cherry my fiancee Rides it.

ninjadevils. triumph Dealer network it week there's one close here in asheville but at home it's 90 miles away.
I like fairing bikes and love the look and feel of the 675Daytona but it does have very narrow clip ons.
I love the Honda Cbr 1000rr but again google 2008-2010 they have extended the warranty an additional 3 year do to a bad crank/clutch issue.
also most if not all ridden hard in the twisty's Burn oil .... not a little and Honda says it is normal if it is under 1 qt/1000 they won't fix it..

Suzuki....Gixxer i swear everyone has one and i really hate the head light.

Yamaha just not many r1's for sale and fairly common in the groups i normally ride with.

Why Kawasaki **** load of hp and tq.
ohlins Damper and suspension.
Bar ends and not cheap plastic plugs.
Why a 2010 it was leftover and had a great rebate.
I really was looking at used and i got one out of a crate for about 500 more.
2009 zx10's had r/r issue's not all but enough.the 10 model seems to have no issue.

Kaw vs Buell.
kaw slipper clutch works
buell has more toys in the cluster
kaw mirrors you can see out of with out vibration at any rpm or speed.
buell true head turner and wtf is that.

I will do a better comparison later need to sleep now
Aw what a sad day.

You got pics on killboy highlights 2 years in a row. Do you think you're going to get any now?
nice bikes the only problems i know of with them are stator problems and as mentioned above head shake.congrats and ride safe
i have never been one to look down my nose at anyone's choice of ride....i look at the person's character. if i had that many problems with a bike, i would be done with it, too.
truthfully, when i was looking at getting my current bike i was thinking hard on a cr...but my gut was telling me not to. they just had not been out very long, i knew i would get no support from the dealers and trying to find someone to work on them wouldnt be easy. with the xb i can do everything i need to do.
i hope you enjoy your new ride,keep us posted on how everything feels. because you have experience with buells, i am very interested in your opinions on the differences between the bikes.
Wow Rob you are a big reason I bought my 1125R. I remember researching them a couple years ago and coming across your threads where you were getting money from the bank to go pick it up... how excited you were lol. I ended up buying mine about 3 weeks later. Nice bike bro- I understand your frustration with the problems and will probably end up doing the same at some point.

Thanks for your valuable input and contributions to the forum. Hope we see you in April for Dragon V.

Cue the "Thanks for the memories" reel…
I will still be around here.
I really like this forum. I am sure i will get banned from bad web soon LOL.
Will definetly be at the buell really in april.
I have alreadry put my blue led running lights in it and bags will be the next thing to figure out i still have to make it home to michigan.

over the winter will be some kind of exhaust.
Frame slider and lift spools likely a hid kit.

After i get a few miles i will do a full comparison of the to bikes found one huge differance is where it decide to power up the front wheel in first gear the buell would do it in the begining of a pass and the kaw is about the window of the car your over taking.

Going to try and make it to the Dragon this weekend if it is dry for a few pass on the new bike before she heads north for winter hibrnation and mods.
Im sad.:( Every one is slowly leaving, one by one. I even looked on ebay the other night and what was once a strong solid sellers market is now a buyers market, its flipped. Im a little optimistic as of today that we are not going to have a second devastating financial meltdown so we can get a small rise of value back into our bikes. We just have to remember they don't make these models anymore.

Do you guys think that because Buell is building new bikes that our XB's are loosing value? Will it effect the value of our bikes?

One more question Do you guys think because the guys at Bad Web are gay it will effect the cost of lube?
One more question Do you guys think because the guys at Bad Web are gay it will effect the cost of lube?
Now thats funny.

Depands on the buyer as to value the xb's should stay solid.
the 1125's will be determined at a later time.

aussies are buying ulyess wha i herd