Bike not starting

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May 25, 2009
Hey Guys,

I was stuck in traffic the other day and after an hour of it my 03 XB9R had enough and stalled out.

I restarted it and then took the round about way home so I wouldn't get stuck again and I had no further problems.

When I got home, I checked the oil and it was a bit low but nothing serious but given the time of year I decided to change the oil. The oil change went without issue and I thought nothing of it.

today I turned the key and the lights came on but when I hit the starter I got nothing - it didn't even try to turn over.

Normally, if the bike won't turn over it's the battery and I am charging it up just in case but I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts.

thanks in advance,
I'd say a fully charged battery and you're golden. If it still acts up, a set of new plugs should do it. Do you use Full Synthetic Motorcycle oils? They'll help the engine run a little cooler.
I left the bike charging overnight. Nothing.

I turn the key to the 'on' position and the needles on the tach/speedo sweep but the fuel pump doesn't seem to engage and I don't get the check engine light.

The service manual tends to lead me back to the ECM but the it has been fine since I got the bike. I have a race ECM so I could test with the original but perhaps I have something else going on.
This may sound dumb, but make sure the key is on and the kill switch to run. If that is not the problem swap your relays around and see if your fuel pump primes. Could be a relay.
It doesn't sound dumb but I did verify that the key is in the correct position and the kill switch is set to run.

I also verified that I have no blown fuses and I've swamped the relays around with no effect. I've checked for any loose connections as well but didn't find any.

After I tried those things, I disconnected the battery, swapped out the ECM and the behaviour didn't change.
put the bike in say 3rd gear and try to bump the motor over. If you can get the motor turned over try the starter again. Could be a dead spot on the stator?
Tried that too. No luck.

According to the service manual, it would seem that if the check engine light doesn't come on then the ECM may not be receiving power, is faulty or there is a bad fuse.

I've checked the fuses and they are fine and I've tried the stock ECM without luck. It's possible I have a ground problem somewhere - that would keep the ECM from getting power but I'm not sure where to look next.
One other oddity. When I first reconnect the battery, the check engine light comes back on for a second or so which would imply that the ECM is in fact getting power.

It's starting to look like a trip to the shop is in my future.
do you have ground at starter relay?
did you test the neutral kill switch?
well after a lot of messing around I finally gave up and took it in.

After 4.5 hours, it's finally back together and running fine. Apparently, the previous owner had rewired a couple of things so to find the short, they had to correct those things.

In the end it was a short and a relay. The relay was very strange because I rotated the three of them around without success and assumed they were all good. I guess that with the wiring short it wouldn't have worked anyway which led to my incorrect assumption that the relays were good.

Good news? I'm back on the road.
Bad news? I spent $7 on parts and $325 on labour.