Bike won't hold a charge

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2015
Rochester, NY
I've bought a new battery and everytime I go to start it it runs for a few minutes then shuts off, it it the voltage regulator if so how do I test it? Help!!
^^^^ what john said above and using an accurate multi-meter start your bike. battery needs to be fully charged. place multi-meter on DC volts....NOT AC.....DC volts. place leads on proper battery terminals and hold rpm @ approx. 2500rpm. if you don't see something between 13.1 and 14.4 volts you have a charging system issue. that is the easy quick test.
no charging its at 12.3 and drops.

not charging. test VR with ohms specs from manual and multi-meter
test alternator(stator) with AC volt specs """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
one or both are faulty
also before you start throwing parts and labor at it remove front pulley cover and check the #77 connector. they are known to fail or become corroded and cause problems.
My #77 connector failed this weekend and caused the bike to shut off. Hardwired everything in and its back to charging the battery as it should. Simple fix. Definitely check that first